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Xtrem reading session 2019-01-14 #27

Open daviceitor opened 4 years ago

daviceitor commented 4 years ago

📚Book proposals

@daviceitor: "Working with legacy code" @SantiMA10: "Agile Technical Practices Distilled" (facilitator) @fernandofreije: "Extreme programming" RobertoM: "Head first designing patterns"

🤔 Retro

😱 One thing that surprised me:

@daviceitor: The extreme programming philosophy looks really nice, I would like to start to read it in the next weeks @fernandofreije : It seems like all the books we have read have a lot of "good practices" in common, like they are all going in the same direction. @SantiMA10: Everything is connected, I mean there are a lot of references between each book: same vocabulary(pair programming, TDD...), one book recommends another book, (Agile Technical Practices Distilled -> Working with legacy code)...

🤓 One thing that I learn:

@daviceitor: I should start to be more aware of the patterns on the development process and be more conscious about which pattern I'm applying and why. @fernandofreije Revisiting old patterns that I already had forgotten. as @daviceitor said, we should be more aware of their existence. @SantiMA10: Everything needs its time, a super interesting book may not be the one you have to read at that time.

😅 One thing that I would like to do differently:

@daviceitor: We should have some preparations before the bookclub in order to keep it shorter(the last session long about 1 and a half hour) @fernandofreije: Just timings and finding a way to make books more available for remote guests. @SantiMA10: As @daviceitor and @fernandofreije we need to improve timing and remote assistance.

dcarral commented 4 years ago

This is awesome, happy to read, everything! :-)

Regarding the last block (things to do differently):

P.S.: Isn't RobertoM @ GitHub?

SantiMA10 commented 4 years ago

@dcarral Since you and I are the only confirmed attendees, do you want to facilitate the session? :D

P.S.: RobertoM doesn't have an account @ GitHub