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fix: Improvements on Windows overview #2606

Open dngray opened 3 weeks ago

dngray commented 3 weeks ago

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dngray commented 3 weeks ago

This almost reads as if Windows is recommended, which I don't think is our goal.

I don't think it does that at all. I reworded some sentences to a more neutral tone which brings it more in line with the other content already on the site. The main thing people will care about is the guides that we actually provide (which are currently marked as "coming soon").

I also haven't really removed anything except for some of the repetitiveness, and mentions of "editions". I did remove the recommendation to stick with Windows 10, as this isn't helpful to anyone who buys a device shipped with Windows 11 OEM.

Also in some cases Windows 11 has things which Windows 10 does not, for example DNS over HTTPS as part of the system resolver.

privacyguides-bot commented 3 weeks ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Privacy Guides. There might be relevant details there: