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Find My privacy policy changed to increase iOS version required for E2EE location sharing #2609

Closed BionicBison05 closed 2 weeks ago

BionicBison05 commented 3 weeks ago

Affected page


Statement about location sharing being E2EE should be changed to iOS 17 instead of 15 as the Find My privacy policy appears to have been updated as such.

Privacy Guides:

Your Find My location data is E2EE when:

  • Your location is shared with a family member or friend, and you both use iOS 15 or greater.

Find My privacy policy:

When you have Location Services enabled, you can choose to share your device’s current location using Share My Location. If you and your friend are both on iOS 17, your location will not be accessible to Apple. If you have a preexisting sharing relationship with a friend who is not on iOS 17, your location may be accessible to Apple if it is actively requested by a friend you are sharing with. Your location is retained for up to 24 hours in order to provide the service, after which it is deleted


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