Open sublimator opened 1 year ago
Hey everyone,
As promised, we wanted to share an update on how things are going. Over the last few months, we’ve made progress on a number of improvements based on developer community feedback, such as allowing extension events to extend a service worker’s lifetime, increasing in-memory session storage from 1 MB to 10 MB after cross-browser discussions, and adding more reasons for offscreen documents. We're continuing to improve the platform by making service workers easier to use (including more flexible lifetimes with messaging and other APIs), introducing more service worker APIs in general, and working with other browser vendors to find ways we can align our extension platforms.
We plan to continue reviewing feedback, making changes and improving documentation to ensure the transition from Manifest V2 to Manifest V3 is smooth and successful. We're still working on the timeline of the MV2 phase-out plan, so keep an eye out for it in the coming months. We will provide sufficient migration time for developers - at least 6 months of heads-up - before beginning any experiments to turn off MV2 in the browser next year.
We remain committed to the rollout of MV3 to improve security, privacy, and performance for our users around the world. We also want to ensure that we phase out MV2 in a timely manner, and we’re continuing to listen to feedback from the developer community to help inform our improvements and timelines.
Thanks for your patience while we continue to work on moving the extensions ecosystem forward in a way that supports the needs of users and developers.
Chrome Extensions Team
This change is being taken care of as part of a reshape to support the latest IETF draft within the extension. Chrome new deadline is June 2024. We're tracking communication in #400 .
Nice to hear!
Manifest Version 3 support has been added to cloudflare/pp-browser-extension, which is a fork of this repository.
such culmination much happy
Google haven't been able to force everyone into MV3 land yet but it doesn't seem like they will quit trying.
It's feasible that at some point webRequestBlocking will be unavailable, as well as localStorage etc
Hopefully in practice only new extensions will be subjected to the MV2 restrictions for the foreseeable?