privacysandbox / aggregation-service

This repository contains instructions and scripts to set up and test the Privacy Sandbox Aggregation Service
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Invalid value for member: issue when trying to deploy Aggregation Service to GCP #48

Closed ydennisy closed 5 months ago

ydennisy commented 5 months ago


I am following the guide outlined here:

And I am now at the stage where I am trying to deploy the individual environments:


However I am faced with this error:

│ Error: invalid value for member (IAM members must have one of the values outlined here:
│   with module.job_service.module.autoscaling.google_cloud_run_service_iam_member.worker_scale_in_sched_iam,
│   on ../../coordinator-services-and-shared-libraries/operator/terraform/gcp/modules/autoscaling/ line 104, in resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_member" "worker_scale_in_sched_iam":
│  104:   member   = "serviceAccount:${var.worker_service_account}"
│ Error: invalid value for member (IAM members must have one of the values outlined here:
│   with module.job_service.module.worker.google_spanner_database_iam_member.worker_jobmetadatadb_iam,
│   on ../../coordinator-services-and-shared-libraries/operator/terraform/gcp/modules/worker/ line 98, in resource "google_spanner_database_iam_member" "worker_jobmetadatadb_iam":
│   98:   member   = "serviceAccount:${local.worker_service_account_email}"
│ Error: invalid value for member (IAM members must have one of the values outlined here:
│   with module.job_service.module.worker.google_pubsub_subscription_iam_member.worker_jobqueue_iam,
│   on ../../coordinator-services-and-shared-libraries/operator/terraform/gcp/modules/worker/ line 104, in resource "google_pubsub_subscription_iam_member" "worker_jobqueue_iam":
│  104:   member       = "serviceAccount:${local.worker_service_account_email}"

I am new to terraform and have not been able to find a way to log the value of serviceAccount:${var.worker_service_account} & serviceAccount:${local.worker_service_account_email}.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: The below seems to show that TF state does correctly store the two service accounts created in the adtech_setup step.

terraform state show 'module.adtech_setup.google_service_account.deploy_service_account[0]'

# module.adtech_setup.google_service_account.deploy_service_account[0]:
resource "google_service_account" "deploy_service_account" {
    account_id   = "aggregation-service-deploy-sa"
    disabled     = false
    display_name = "Deploy Service Account"
    email        = ""
    id           = "projects/ag-edgekit-prod/serviceAccounts/"
    member       = ""
    name         = "projects/ag-edgekit-prod/serviceAccounts/"
    project      = "ag-edgekit-prod"
    unique_id    = "106307936135287037408"
maybellineboon commented 5 months ago

Hi @ydennisy ,

Can you check if you updated your <environment>.auto.tfvars file with the user_provided_worker_sa_email?

if not, please include the following below:

user_provided_worker_sa_email = "<updated with your worker service account email>"
ydennisy commented 5 months ago

hey @maybellineboon - thank you so much for your reply!

This has worked, but I just want to mention that I copied the demo/ and this does not contain this value, so I think it would be worth updating or you may get a few more issues, unless I missed some instruction elsewhere?


# Example values required by
# These values should be modified for each of your environments.
region      = "us-central1"
region_zone = "us-central1-c"

project_id  = "<YourProjectID>"
environment = "operator-demo-env"

# Co-locate your Cloud Spanner instance configuration with the region above.
spanner_instance_config = "regional-us-central1"
# Adjust this based on the job load you expect for your deployment.
# Monitor the spanner instance utilization to decide on scale out / scale in.
spanner_processing_units = 100

instance_type = "n2d-standard-8" # 8 cores, 32GiB

# Container image location that packages the job service application
# If not set otherwise, uncomment and edit the line below:
#worker_image = "<location>/<project>/<repository>/<image>:<tag or digest>"

# Coordinator service accounts to impersonate for authorization and authentication
# If not set otherwise, uncomment and edit the lines below:
#coordinator_a_impersonate_service_account = "<CoordinatorAServiceAccountEmail>"
#coordinator_b_impersonate_service_account = "<CoordinatorBServiceAccountEmail>"
maybellineboon commented 5 months ago

Hi @ydennisy ,

There was no miss on your end.

We've noticed that the terraform file was missing that field. We've gone ahead and requested to update the terraform file and it is in process.

ydennisy commented 5 months ago

ok thanks @maybellineboon I will close the issue in that case - thanks very much for your help!