Our aggregation service is running successfully now, and we plan to daily use it when our app releases.
But before the release, we have to do some stress tests on it. To simulate real business scenarios, we need to mock 400k aggregatable reports for aggregation service to decrypt. Is there any convenient way for us to create so many reports for testing?
Currently, I have to manually register souce & trigger event to send an aggregatable report to GCS, which is really inefficient...
Hi team,
Our aggregation service is running successfully now, and we plan to daily use it when our app releases.
But before the release, we have to do some stress tests on it. To simulate real business scenarios, we need to mock 400k aggregatable reports for aggregation service to decrypt. Is there any convenient way for us to create so many reports for testing? Currently, I have to manually register souce & trigger event to send an aggregatable report to GCS, which is really inefficient...
Thanks, Yang