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Question Regarding Opting Out #133

Open andywang219 opened 1 year ago

andywang219 commented 1 year ago

There were mentions regarding the setting to opt-out to some, if not all, privacy sandbox settings, such as opting out of 3rd party cookie deprecation in Enterprise Chrome. I was wondering if there will be a similar setting for users who do not have Enterprise Chrome. Please direct me to the correct forum if I am asking in the wrong forum.

Thank you!

rowan-m commented 1 year ago

Hey there, there are a wide variety of options for users to control this, such as chrome://settings/adPrivacy for the relevance and measurement APIs. Does that cover the functionality you're after?

stephensaw commented 10 months ago

I have similar question regarding opting out. My web app integrates with Microsoft SharePoint platform and would require the cookie for authentication, when enabling the test-third-party-cookie-phaseout flag, it breaks my app, it can be fixed by adding the necessary domains to the Allowed to use third-party cookies in Chrome settings. I'm not using Enterprise Chrome.

Is the Allowed to use third-party cookies settings will be still working after the 3rd party cookie phase out completed? Does this change affect all browser that were based on Chromium?

samdutton commented 3 months ago

Hi @stephensaw — thanks for your question, and apologies for the very late response.

Is the Allowed to use third-party cookies settings will be still working after the 3rd party cookie phase out completed?

Correct: Chrome does not at this time have plans to remove this feature.

Does this change affect all browser that were based on Chromium?

Third-party cookie restrictions in Chrome (as experienced by the 1% Tracking Protection group) are controlled using Chrome Variations. This does not affect other Chromium-based browsers, and it's up to individual browser vendors how they handle third-party cookies.