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Third Party cookies not get impacted with --test-third-party-cookie-phaseout testing #355

Closed sonals-amazon closed 4 months ago

sonals-amazon commented 4 months ago

Read for context before raising issues here.

For site-specific issues with third-party cookies, please report this via


I am an engineer on AWS QuickSight Embedding team. We provide Embedding QuickSight application in other enterprise's web application via iframes. We have been manually testing if our customers will be impacted due to 3p cookie phaseout using the steps mentioned in but as per our testing so far - the cookies are not getting blocked in chrome on test applications(using a different domain). We are using google sites for building test application in a different domain. This experience is completely different from what is expected or described as a result of 3p cookie phaseout. Is there a reason quicksight's cookies are not getting blocked? We use SameSite=None and Secure flags on the cookies we set.

wanderview commented 4 months ago

Is your domain shared with any other product teams within AWS? Its possible another team has applied for the deprecation trial.

Can you try testing with these flags disabled?

chrome://flags/#tpcd-metadata-grants chrome://flags/#third-party-cookie-deprecation-trial

cfredric commented 4 months ago

Chrome DevTools also includes information on why third-party cookies were included (despite 3PCD), since Chrome M123. You can check the DevTools to find out why Chrome is allowing your cookie to be sent.

sonals-amazon commented 4 months ago

Hi Thanks, for your response. We were able to find out why the cookies were not getting blocked. The enterprise managed Chrome we were using at work was overriding the blocking of 3P cookies for amazon domain(always allowing them). We were able to confirm the cookies actually getting blocked on a non-enterprise managed chrome.