privacysandbox / protected-auction-key-value-service

Protected Auction Key/Value Service
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Performance of triggering UDF execution engine #43

Open fhoering opened 4 months ago

fhoering commented 4 months ago

The specification has some explanations here on how JS and WASM workloads would be handled by the UDF execution engine:

This design looks interesting and I'm trying to find out if it would be able to handle workloads with thousands of QPS per instance and 10ms latency. I'm wondering in particular how it would work with managed languages like c# or Java compiled to WASM.

From what it understand there will be N pre allocated workers each able to handle single threaded workloads.

The doc mentions this part about JS

Javascript code is preloaded, cached, interpreted and a snapshot is created. A new context is created from the snapshot before execution in a Roma worker.

What does recreating the context exactly imply in terms of performance ?

The WASM module is preloaded and cached in Roma in the non request path. WASM is parsed for every execution within a Roma worker.

My understanding is that compiling c#/Java to WASM works like a self contained executable which means the runtime needs to be embedded inside the WASM file. If the runtime and garbage collector would be initialized all the time for each request the overhead is very probably prohibitive for workloads mentioned above.

Can you provide more information on how JS and WASM (java, c#) workloads would be handled exactly with the UDF execution and if this could handle the workloads mentioned above ?

lx3-g commented 3 months ago

Hi Fabian Höring,

Thnx for the question and sorry for the delay. We're currently working on getting back to you,

Thank you, Alexander

peiwenhu commented 3 months ago

Hi sorry for the long delay.

Sample output -

Benchmark Time CPU Iterations UserCounters...
BM_LoadHelloWorld/0 11.2 ms 0.047 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=596.362Ki/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/128 11.1 ms 0.043 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=3.60729Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/512 11.2 ms 0.048 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=10.9137Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/1024 11.2 ms 0.045 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=22.4478Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/10000 11.4 ms 0.074 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=129.585Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/20000 11.5 ms 0.085 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=223.786Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/50000 11.9 ms 0.147 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=325.068Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/100000 12.7 ms 0.274 ms 1000 bytes_per_second=348.233Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/200000 14.1 ms 0.497 ms 1374 bytes_per_second=384.041Mi/s
BM_LoadHelloWorld/500000 18.8 ms 1.26 ms 493 bytes_per_second=378.279Mi/s
BM_ExecuteHelloWorld 0.905 ms 0.027 ms 10000 items_per_second=37.3452k/s
BM_ExecuteHelloWorldCallback 0.982 ms 0.028 ms 10000 items_per_second=35.8002k/s

We would like to help you achieve an accurate measurement. If you are interested in collaborating to measure more please feel free to let us know what you think we may be able to help with.

fhoering commented 3 months ago

Hello @peiwenhu,

Thanks for the information. I will come back to you with more information about the workloads.

About compîling data-plane-shared-libraries locally. Sorry for this question but I never used Google specific tooling like bazel before.

If I do this:

cd data-plane-shared-libraries
git checkout 89e8cf07e233779e92915fa6fbcd854f648e327c

What command do I need to execute to compile this ? How do I need to change the workspace file to actually pull my local sources ?

a-shruti commented 3 months ago


What command do I need to execute to compile this ?

For running benchmarks, you can simply use the specified command -


(For running your benchmarks, you will need to modify kv_server_udf_benchmark_test and include the code you want to benchmark.)

If you run at HEAD for data-plane-shared-libraries, the following command can be used -

scripts/run-benchmarks --target //src/roma/benchmark:kv_server_udf_benchmark_test --benchmark_time_unit ms

How do I need to change the workspace file to actually pull my local sources

For running benchmarks, I don't think you have to modify your K/V server workspace. However, in general local_repository bazel rule can be used.

Let us know if any more information is needed from our side.


fhoering commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I was able to execute the benchmarks like this:

./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //scp/cc/roma/benchmark/test:kv_server_udf_benchmark_test -- --benchmark_out=/src/workspace/dist/benchmarks/kv_server_udf_benchmark.json --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_time_unit=ms
./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //scp/cc/roma/benchmark/test:benchmark_suite_test -- --benchmark_out=/src/workspace/dist/benchmarks/benchmark_suite_test.json --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_time_unit=ms

I get the same results of ~1ms for executing an empty JS function.

I also ran the multi threaded roma workloads which give results of ~1000 request per sec.

An additional question on that. I never succeeded to get dropped requests even with a worker size of 1 and a queue size of 1. Is this expected ?

test_configuration.workers = 1;
    test_configuration.inputs_type = InputsType::kSimpleString;
    test_configuration.input_payload_in_byte = 500000;
    test_configuration.queue_size = 1;
    test_configuration.batch_size = 1;
    test_configuration.request_threads = 30;
    test_configuration.requests_per_thread = 1000;

Those tests seem to be done from the same machine which means the client can impact the server and vice versa. We probably have to run the full server and run the client with some web load injector like gatling to get representative results.

a-shruti commented 2 months ago

An additional question on that. I never succeeded to get dropped requests even with a worker size of 1 and a queue size of 1. Is this expected ?

In these benchmarks, for every request, we wait for the response individually. Hence, this behaviour is expected.