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✨ Feature Suggestion | New page: Health and Financial records #1930

Open ParaplegicRacehorse opened 4 years ago

ParaplegicRacehorse commented 4 years ago


Two of the most private and personal datasets we as individuals hold are our health and financial records. There are plenty of services to help us track, or at least log, both of these things. Some of these services are open source, but most are closed source and difficult to inspect their actual activities, especially pertaining to online storage, access and sharing.

Since I don't use anything more than a text document to track and log my health records, I'm not a good source for these.

However, I have used a variety of financial tools in my years. I can suggest initial looks at GnuCash, KMyMoney and all of the various textmode accounting applications referenced from the plain text accounting web site. In particular, the plain text applications allow a certain degree of future-proofing in that all data is stored in, as the reference site's name suggests, plain text.

There are, of course, numerous other good candidates, but these are popular and have good support, documentation, and/or thriving communities able to provide good assistance.

I understand the site primarily exists for more security and network related providers and applications. However, the importance of securing one's financial and health records justifies an exception to the usual candidate list.

I will, in time, update this issue with reviews of candidate software packages.

freddy-m commented 4 years ago

Invoice Ninja might also be worth adding, though I haven't used it personally.