privacytools / services

Web services issue tracker
10 stars 0 forks source link / URL shortener #20

Open Mikaela opened 4 years ago

Mikaela commented 4 years ago

@JonahAragon wrote.

I wanted to get a shorter domain but it looks like we're going with Whatever! Haha. We're also going with YOURLS (probably) so we'll have a page up in a few days (it has to be actually made and designed ourselves...).

We're also planning a Javascript tool that site owners can add to their site that'll change all outgoing links like to something like which will be super cool since it'll strip referrer headers from all those links smile

As far as third party URL shorteners go, I don't really think there are any that would meet the requirements to be recommended by PTIO. Does anyone have any other suggestions? We'll probably just only list our own once it's live, but because it's the only one we can trust, not because we're biased or anything. So if anyone knows of good alternatives speak up and we can include them as well!