The status page is using a timezone called "CDT" instead of the international timezone standard, Coordinated Universal TIme (UTC) leading to confusion when visitors have no idea what is CDT.
All timestamps are either in UTC or in the local time reported by my web browser, so as someone who has to think international times can calculate the offset to local time easily and have an idea what the time is or I can directly see it in local time.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: Debian GNU/Linux bullseye/sid
Browser: Firefox
Version: 75.0 64-bit
Additional context
Using non-UTC timezone in a big international project or where audience is international just doesn't work. It's not realistic for everyone to learn all timezone abbreviations and their offsets if every project was using their own time instead of UTC.
Service /
Describe the bug
The status page is using a timezone called "CDT" instead of the international timezone standard, Coordinated Universal TIme (UTC) leading to confusion when visitors have no idea what is CDT.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
All timestamps are either in UTC or in the local time reported by my web browser, so as someone who has to think international times can calculate the offset to local time easily and have an idea what the time is or I can directly see it in local time.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context
Using non-UTC timezone in a big international project or where audience is international just doesn't work. It's not realistic for everyone to learn all timezone abbreviations and their offsets if every project was using their own time instead of UTC.
UTC time can easily be gotten by
date -u
command. UTC time in international date formating (ISO 8601) can be gotten withdate -Is -u