calls itself as " PrivacytoolsIO Git" while our branding is "PrivacyTools" and I guess it could also say Gitea. I think @dawidpotocki has also requested it to have our logo on the front page.
It's currently running 1.9.0 while the current version of GItea is v1.10.1 released ~two weeks ago.
Additional request: could it use dark theme by default (that can be overridden by logged in user in settings)? That would be done by adding the following to Gitea's app.ini. calls itself as " PrivacytoolsIO Git" while our branding is "PrivacyTools" and I guess it could also say Gitea. I think @dawidpotocki has also requested it to have our logo on the front page.
It's currently running 1.9.0 while the current version of GItea is v1.10.1 released ~two weeks ago.
Additional request: could it use dark theme by default (that can be overridden by logged in user in settings)? That would be done by adding the following to Gitea's