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Privacy Meter: An open-source library to audit data privacy in statistical and machine learning algorithms.
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Computed datasets are not mutually exclusive #30

Closed luigitropiano closed 1 year ago

luigitropiano commented 3 years ago

In my experiments it seems datasets computation is not always working correctly.

In one of my latest experiments, for example, I have a dataset with 18411 input samples and a member-set that is almost the half, with 9286 samples. I am building my datahandler object with attack_percentage=75, and my member_train and member_test variables within the attack_data class are correctly initialized with 6964 and 2322 samples respectively (that sum up to 9286, and that's fine) The problem is with nonmember_train and nonmember_test variables; in fact, they get also initialized with 6964 and 2322 samples respectively, and that does not make sense as all these datasets sum up to 18572, which is more than my initial dataset of 18411 samples. So this is the situation I have: dataset size: 18411

member-set size: 9286, member_train size: 6964, member_test size: 2322 nonmember-set size: 9286, nonmember_train size: 6964, nonmember_test size: 2322

The expected nonmember-set size, by the way, is 9125

For completeness, those numbers have been extracted from file, right before the main training procedure begins: with the following code: print(len(list(mtrainset.unbatch().as_numpy_iterator()))) print(len(list(nmtrainset.unbatch().as_numpy_iterator()))) print(len(list(mtestset.unbatch().as_numpy_iterator()))) print(len(list(nmtestset.unbatch().as_numpy_iterator())))

Investigating the problem, it seems there are two more issues:

The first one is that it seems that those datasets are not mutually exclusive; it seems something in the attack_data class is not working as expected, as I was able to find:

(Those numbers keep changing a bit probably because of the randomization of the dataset when initializing it.)

If I don't get it wrong, this should not happen.

Previous intersections, however, are not always present; the situation varies a lot depending on the member-set I use. With some member-set I get no intersections, with others I get only some intersections between the datasets. All the member-set, by the way, are computed in the same way, so there is no syntactic difference between them.

I still can't say why that's happening, but I'll keep investigating it.

The second issue is that the intersection method in attack_utils class is not working as it should; The two lines of code right before the main training procedure begins in (lines 450 and 452), in fact, should be cleaning up duplicates from nmtrainset and nmtestset, but that's not working on my system. I was able to reproduce this issue, and it seems due to the way tuples are handled by python. At line 147 of, the variable example, in my case, is a tuple of two tf.Tensor, the first one is the array with the input features and the second one is the label. The easiest way to tell what is happening is to show you, so here's a little demo:

>>> A = tf.constant([1,2,3,4])
>>> B = tf.constant([0])
>>> C = tf.constant([0])

>>> hash(bytes(np.array(B)))

>>> hash(bytes(np.array(C)))

>>> hash(bytes(np.array((A, B))))

>>> hash(bytes(np.array((A, C))))

Basically, equal samples are hashing differently. I cannot say if that behavior is related to the python version or what. I am using python 3.8.6 by the way.

amad-person commented 3 years ago

Hi @tr0p1x, thank you for opening this issue. I will look into the nonmember dataset initialization and get back to you.

I will also try to reproduce the issue with the intersection method. The tool was built using Python 3.6. Would it be possible for you to check if this error is happening even after changing your Python version to 3.6?

luigitropiano commented 3 years ago

Hi @amad-person, thanks for your reply.

I confirm I was able to reproduce the issue also with python-3.6.13, numpy-1.18.1 and tensorflow-2.1.2:

Python 3.6.13 (default, Mar 10 2021, 10:46:47) 
[GCC 10.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.version.version
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> tf.version.VERSION
>>> A = tf.constant([1,2,3,4])
>>> B = tf.constant([0])
>>> C = tf.constant([0])
>>> hash(bytes(np.array(B)))
>>> hash(bytes(np.array(C)))
>>> hash(bytes(np.array((A, B))))
>>> hash(bytes(np.array((A, C))))

The problem with the datasets not being mutually exclusive also seems to be still there. To help with this I am attaching the full dataset and the member-set I am using as input:

amad-person commented 3 years ago

@tr0p1x thanks for checking, I will get back to you asap.

luigitropiano commented 3 years ago

Hi @amad-person, I'm back to this issue as I was able to prove that the problem I've experienced is due to different hashing of the same np.arrays in different parts of the program. Indeed, it seems that the hashes calculated by the _compute_hashes function are different from the hashes calculated by the load_train_, for the same arrays. I'll post the output of a test I ran that shows some of the hashes being computed differently:

compute_hashes -> 726796544415044867
load_train -> 8011021597571281556

compute_hashes -> 2258577747523314709
load_train -> 7696395958901921247

compute_hashes -> 344646876975753846
load_train -> -1813543256683344701

What I do not understand is why I cannot observe the previous behavior with every combination of _fulldataset / memberset, but, given the same _fulldataset I can distinguish different situations depending on the membersets. In the following examples, I'll show two cases with two different membersets: in the first one I always get intersections, while in the other one I never get any. All the details below:

The dataset has 5 output classes and samples with a shape of (111,) . The datahandler was configured with _batchsize=100 and _attackpercentage=70

Case 1: with the following memberset I always get samples in the intersections of the computed datasets:

member_trainset samples: 7669
nonmember_trainset samples: 7669
member_testset samples: 3287
nonmember_testset samples: 3287

member_trainset ^ member_testset: 0
nonmember_trainset ^ nonmember_testset: 0
member_trainset ^ nonmember_trainset: ~2550
member_trainset ^ nonmember_testset: ~1080
member_testset ^ nonmember_testset: ~450
member_testset ^ nonmember_trainset: ~1080

Case 2: with the following memberset I never get any samples in the intersections of the computed datasets:

member_trainset samples: 7544
nonmember_trainset samples: 7544
member_testset samples: 3234
nonmember_testset samples: 3234

member_trainset ^ member_testset: 0
nonmember_trainset ^ nonmember_testset: 0
member_trainset ^ nonmember_trainset: 0
member_trainset ^ nonmember_testset: 0
member_testset ^ nonmember_testset: 0
member_testset ^ nonmember_trainset: 0

Both the memberset.npy are built in the same exact way and the only difference between them should be the samples they contain.

amad-person commented 3 years ago

it seems that the hashes calculated by the compute_hashes function are different from the hashes calculated by the load_train, for the same arrays.

Hi @tr0p1x, could you try setting the python environment variable PYTHONHASHSEED to an integer value?

You can set it in the main file like this:

import os
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = 0

Documentation for this environment variable is here.

Could you also post your script (if any) to find the intersection between the datasets? Thanks.

luigitropiano commented 3 years ago

Hi @amad-person, I was finally able to reproduce the issue. It seems to be related to a different dtype of the ndarrays that are hashed by the _computehashes and the _loadtrain methods. Indeed, equals ndarrays with different dtype are hashing differently:

>>> a = np.array(['1.0, 2.0, 3.0', '4'])
>>> a
array(['1.0, 2.0, 3.0', '4'], dtype='<U13')

>>> b = np.array(['1.0, 2.0, 3.0', '4'], dtype='<U14')
>>> b
array(['1.0, 2.0, 3.0', '4'], dtype='<U14')

>>> hash(bytes(a))

>>> hash(bytes(b))

The issue probably occurs because the dtype is automatically inferred by numpy most of the times, but it may actually be different between the dataset and the memberset (I think it is computed basing on the longest array in the set, where longest means with more characters, as they are passed as strings; however in my use case each array may have a different number of characters, and that's why it is not always working)

That would also explain why I could not observe the issue with every combination of _fulldataset / memberset, but only with some. If the full_dataset and the memberset happen to have the same dtype, then all the ndarrays hash consistently and the issue is not observable. Otherwise, if the full-dataset and the membserset have a different dtype, equals ndarrays hash differently and the final computed sets are not mutually exclusive anymore.

One easy way to fix the issue may be to stop computing the non-memberset within this tool and require it to be passed as input together with the memberset, already computed. Another fix may require changing how the hashes are computed, and avoiding to hash directly the ndarray.

As of your question, the function I use to find the intersection between the datasets is the following:

    def count_intersect(self, first, second):
        first = first.unbatch()
        second = second.unbatch()       
        m1, m2 = set(), set()

        for example in first:
        for example in second:

and finally I add the following right before the _main training procedure begins_ line:

        print('mtrains ^ mtest: ' + self.count_intersect(mtrainset, mtestset))
        print('nmtrains ^ nmtest: ' + self.count_intersect(nmtrainset, nmtestset))

        print('mtrains ^ nmtrain: ' + self.count_intersect(mtrainset, nmtrainset))
        print('mtest ^ nmtest: ' + self.count_intersect(mtestset, nmtestset))

        print('mtrains ^ nmtest: ' + self.count_intersect(mtrainset, nmtestset))
        print('nmtrains ^ mtest: ' + self.count_intersect(nmtrainset, mtestset))

Note that in the _countintersect method I am adding to the m1 and m2 sets only example[0], which is the first part of my arrays (the string with all the values except the label): this works as I know my dataset not to have duplicates.

Lastly, note that the second issue I've presented in the opening post of this issue, related to the intersection method in the attack_utils class is a different issue, but is also partially related to this one.