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Clicking on Male/Female radiobuttons outputs female voice #4

Open priya-zha opened 11 months ago

priya-zha commented 11 months ago

Steps to reproduce: Click on male/female radiobuttons and notice female voice is given as an output.

Actual Result: Clicking on male or female radio buttons reads the screen in a female voice instead of reading screen in male voice if male radiobutton is selected and reading screen in female voice if female radiobutton is selected. It should work in a similar way how voice changes when voice input is given by the user. (Works fine on voice input but not on when radiobuttons are clicked)

Expected Result: Similar to voice input, if male radiobutton is clicked, male sample voice should be played, and if female radiobutton is clicked, female sample voice should be played.

Before Fixing:

After Fixing:

priya-zha commented 11 months ago

Fixed solution:

we can add textToSpeech.setVoice(getDesiredVoice(selectedVoice)); when the radiobutton is clicked.

voiceRadioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener((group, checkedId) -> {
            RadioButton selectedRadioButton = findViewById(checkedId);
            String selectedVoice = selectedRadioButton.getText().toString().toLowerCase();
            if (selectedVoice.equals("men")){
                textToSpeech.speak("You have selected the male voice.", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);
                textToSpeech.speak("You have selected the female voice.", TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, null);


            // Update the ImageView based on the selected voice
            int imageResource = (selectedVoice.equals("men")) ? R.drawable.male_image : R.drawable.female_image;

        private void playSampleVoice() {
    // Get the selected radio button
    RadioButton selectedRadioButton = findViewById(voiceRadioGroup.getCheckedRadioButtonId());

    // Get the text of the selected radio button
    String selectedVoice = selectedRadioButton.getText().toString().toLowerCase();

    // Set the desired voice based on the selected voice

    // Define the sample text
    String sampleText = (selectedVoice.equals("men")) ? "This is a sample male voice." : "This is a sample female voice.";

    // Speak the sample text with the specified voice
    HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
    String utteranceId = (selectedVoice.equals("men")) ? "maleVoice" : "femaleVoice";
    params.put(TextToSpeech.Engine.KEY_PARAM_UTTERANCE_ID, utteranceId);

    textToSpeech.speak(sampleText, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_FLUSH, params);

    // Get the desired voice based on the selected voice
    private Voice getDesiredVoice(String selectedVoice) {
        if (selectedVoice.equals("men")) {
            // Assign the male voice using Voice
            return new Voice("hi-in-x-hie-local", new Locale("hi_IN"), 400, 200, false,  new HashSet<>());
        } else {
            // Assign the female voice using Voice
//            return new Voice("", new Locale("en_IN"), 400, 200, false,  new HashSet<>());
            Voice defaultFemaleVoice = textToSpeech.getDefaultVoice();
            return defaultFemaleVoice;