priyadi / roundcube-converse.js-xmpp-plugin

XMPP plugin for Roundcube Webmail based on converse.js
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using plugin login not working with new releases, but conversjs works #39

Open mckaygerhard opened 9 years ago

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

i try as said in jcbrand/converse.js#151 testing and plugin not login...

after manually login by forcing hostname and complete username (without removing the comain part) login but disconecting ...

later i note new feature that can alternate js file an use the no otr and not i18 vesion..

login works only manually but no users show..

in errors log i found that:

[01-Oct-2014 12:01:47] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting ')' in /var/www/simplemail/plugins/converse-chat2/converse.php on line 392 [01-Oct-2014 12:07:18 -0430]: PHP Error: Converse-XMPP: Login failed for puntofijo1 (GET /roundcube/?_task=mail)

but muc chats works perfectly, only individual chats do not works

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

well seems some little mistake in docs of curl usage php lib.. fixed by separing the string of CURLOPT_HTTPHEADERS but still now not auto login..

also after sussesfully login still cannot see any contact in roster/chat.. only works the muc chat... also addiding a contact do not work...

NOTE: that with older version of converse-plugin works like a charm, but with problem of that not have the features of newer version of conversejs lasted...

the chrome results:

Request URL: Request Method:POST Status Code:200 OK Request Headers POST /http-bind/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Connection: keep-alive Referer: Content-Length: 114 Origin: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.220 Safari/535.1 Content-Type: application/xml Accept: / Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language: es-419,es;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4 Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 Cookie: shellInABox=467306938:111011010; TRACKID=3befe1e8ba612f0c2c6b9154c03e3df9; prefsviewsplitter=195; roundcube_sessid=kevq33tq4amo2nk0in6n0bnlh0; roundcube_sessauth=S4daae422bbc54780f14c980511cce3a860ff806a Request Payload

Response Headers HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type Content-Length: 51 Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Connection: close Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:53:47 GMT Server: lighttpd/1.4.35

priyadi commented 9 years ago

I don't know why you need to change curl options, care to elaborate?

Make sure you are using Roundcube 1.0.x. As far as I can tell, v0.8.x.x version doesn't work with Roundcube 0.9.x, with similar symptom you are describing.

And try the master version. I've backported the upstream fix on bug to our master version. You don't need to apply the patch. I'm using this on production now and no problem so far. We don't have as many users as you do, though.

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

umm well i using the 1.0-rc not the 1.0.0 either 1.0.1 stable, maybe that's the reason...

i'd also use master with that fix, and also later i'h trying also one fix from lasted for return on prebinding , that do no work any...

i'll try to made a new node an server with a rc 1.0.1 release and put plugin to test.. i'll back with feedback here when done

and i also note that both js minified files are pretty same .... but no luck, well then so then i'll try a fresh install in few days with fres plguin and the back here..

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

i have read that: and i note that error in my rouncube mail :

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'timepicker' of undefined (anonimous function)

and js file are jquery.timepicker

but with previos release (that uses 0.7.4) this error does not happened.

i really need the 0.8.X release due display groups and have better otr support an offline like feature

priyadi commented 9 years ago


Can you try loading only default plugins and converse plugin? the only roundcube plugin that require jquery.timepicker is myroundcube, as far as Google tells me.

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

yes u have right, i'm used a combined set of plugins from myroundcube and kolab , specially a calendaring with email notifications modified by me.. currently kolab calendar do not send email notifications, and myroundcube calendar send email notifications but must to pay some features presented in the kolab flavor..

i must made a remove from core and a fresh install of roundcube.. wait for a few days and i'll post again some feedback here, and if are possible to my, some code fixeds if i can

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

hello @priyadl i made a fresh install and test, error still persist, no login and do not display any user, cannot chat and only works the muc chat...

priyadi commented 9 years ago

Can you make your test installation public? I want to see it myself if that's possible.

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

well, arrggg i need to ask again for another server and another ip but this time public, but seem are not new issue, please lets see jcbrand/converse.js#250 user just report same problem

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

from jcbrand/converse.js#250 :

If @priyadi is sure it's not related to roundcube integration,then we can take a further look at it here.

I now can confirm that problems are on plugin.. i loaded and works perfect using the index.html from sources.. i only setup the bosh url and loads!

i cannot prepare a public server for now, at least until two weeks, but i can confirm th plugins are unuseless an do not work at all.

priyadi commented 9 years ago

It is impossible to determine the problem from the information you provided. I'm aware there are others with problems. But I can't do anything before someone get me enough data, and sometimes I don't even know what to ask. Without good bug reports, the next best thing is to give access to the Roundcube installation itself. So, I'll have to wait until you get back with access to your installation.

mckaygerhard commented 9 years ago

ok, well about a access to test, let me prepare sometingh..

but now, what kind of data do u need, what we should do? lest work around that wheantime!

mckaygerhard commented 8 years ago

hi @priyadi i prepared a public production test env in please tell me now

the conversejs project seem are so far away from here! what its the status of?