priyankab / GoogleSearchDisplay

A small example of UICollectionView to display Image search results
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Homework - UICollectionView for Google Search Display #1

Open priyankab opened 10 years ago

priyankab commented 10 years ago


priyankab commented 10 years ago

Hi Tim,

I did not read the homework user stories before I submitted this assignment. I have not implemented the user story where new images are downloaded as user scrolls. I will work on this today in the lunch time and try to submit it by 5pm.

Thanks, Priyanka

priyankab commented 10 years ago

I have added this case in the latest commit. Thanks.

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Good job! The primary purpose of this homework was to get a basic familiarity with UICollectionView. Here is the checklist that I used while reviewing your homework.