Open haraldsteinlechner opened 2 days ago
@RebeccaNowak There is a lot of code referencing minerva datatypes in for example linking. Is it safe to remove those? e.g.
type Action =
| Camera of FreeFlyController.Message
| KeyUp of key : Keys
| KeyDown of key : Keys
| UpdateDockConfig of DockConfig
| PickingAction of PickingAction
| LinkingAction of LinkingAction
| MinervaAction of MinervaAction
| PickPoint of V3d
I wasn't involved in Minerva, but I think we can remove them since Minerva isn't being used anymore
There is a lot of deprecated code in the repository we need to get rid of (current half-working state does not work when updating to dotnet8 etc). I propose to delete those code paths completely and get it back if needed at some point (a lot of effort to make it work anyways)