probabilistic-numerics / probnum

Probabilistic Numerics in Python.
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more ode example problems #239

Closed pnkraemer closed 3 years ago

pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

Would be great to have more ODE example problems. Currently we only have logistic, lotkavolterra, fitzhughnagumo.

Further, I'd like to also have

and perhaps (if necessary, in some simplified version)

pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

Three body code (variables may require naming that is consistent with the rest of the probnum source; the snippet is shamelessly stolen)

def threebody(t,Y):
    # defining the ODE:
    # assume Y = [y1,y2,y1',y2']
    mu = 0.012277471 #  (standardised moon mass)
    mp = 1 - mu    D1 = ((Y[0] + mu)**2 + Y[1]**2)**(3/2)
    D2 = ((Y[0] - mp)**2 + Y[1]**2)**(3/2)    y1p = Y[0] + 2 * Y[3] - mp * (Y[0] + mu) / D1 - mu * (Y[0] - mp) / D2
    y2p = Y[1] - 2 * Y[2] - mp * Y[1] / D1 - mu * Y[1] / D2    return np.array([Y[2],Y[3],y1p,y2p])# defining the initial value
iv = np.array([ 0.994, 0, 0, -2.00158510637908252240537862224 ])
initrv = rvs.Dirac(iv)# defining the time span
Tmax = 17.0652165601579625588917206249
timespan = (0, Tmax)ivp = IVP(timespan, initrv, threebody)
pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

@schmidtjonathan, while you're working on this, what do you think about moving the examples into a separate file, called or something along these lines? It might slim down a little bit...

schmidtjonathan commented 3 years ago

@pnkraemer I wanted to suggest the same thing, I think it's good to separate functionality from examples. So, yes, I think that's a good idea, and I can include this in the pull request, if you want

pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

Please do it then, thank you lots!

schmidtjonathan commented 3 years ago

@pnkraemer When writing tests for the IVPs I noticed that you can create IVPs with invalid parameters. What do you think about checks (we would have to talk about, how to do that), whether or not the provided params are valid? I am not necessarily talking about value ranges or anything like that, but at least maybe we could check the number of provided parameters in the params tuple?

EDIT: By the way, same thing applies for the initial conditions RV.

pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

Hmmm good point. Though I am in favour of just allowing this at the moment and postponing the solution. I am not sure whether we are at the stage yet, where it is not a waste of our time to do adversarial testing. What do you think?

Initial condition checks, on the other hand, I find more urgent, because if this fails it will be a cryptic error down the line (I'd guess in ivp2filter) which may be hard to interpret. Would you be so kind and open a separate issue for this? Let's solve this in a different PR.

pnkraemer commented 3 years ago

Another thing: if you have the time, can you quickly brush over the docs for the ODE examples and check that the docstring says which dimensionality the initial random variable should have? E.g. write something along the lines of (for a 2d problem such as Lotka-Volterra):

initrv: RandomVariable
    2-dimensional random variable describing the initial state of the ODE. 
    Usually, `pnrv.Constant` supported on a 2-dimensional array. 
    Alternatively, `pnrv.Normal` with a 2-dimensional mean and 2-dimensional array
schmidtjonathan commented 3 years ago

Sure, I'll do that today.