probberechts / hexo-theme-cactus

:cactus: A responsive, clean and simple theme for Hexo.
MIT License
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Blogpost TOC levels formatting #354

Open wixhz opened 1 year ago

wixhz commented 1 year ago

The current directory can only display the second level, and the multi-level directory of md cannot be rendered. Can we add support for the directory function in the future?

example:I think the directory structure on the left is clearer than on the right, and I expect the table of contents of the page to be like the left.

probberechts commented 1 year ago

On my device it looks like this:

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 11 57 25

Which browser do you use?

wixhz commented 1 year ago


I mean that the current directory format is not very hierarchical. Case 1: The 1.1Paragraphs and Line Breaks in the image above is rendered as two lines on the right side of the page, which looks like 1.1Paragraphs and Line; 1.2 Breaks — Case 2: If there are tertiary directories, the current rendering method cannot see the second-level and tertiary directories.

This is just a proposal, I love the theme, thanks.