probcomp / Venturecxx

Primary implementation of the Venture probabilistic programming system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Do we want AAA over multiple functions sampled from the same Gaussian process? #413

Open axch opened 8 years ago

axch commented 8 years ago

Consider the following program:

assume k = some gp covariance function
assume gp1 = make_gp(k)
assume gp2 = make_gp(k)
.... use gp1 and gp2

gp1 and gp2 represent independent samples from the function prior given by k (integrating out the uncertainty over the function). In order to compute acceptance ratios for proposals involving changes to k, Venture will need to examine the auxes of both gp1 and gp2 (in fact, all applications of make_gp to k). Are there any sufficient statistics that can be maintained about those uses of k that can save the work? Do we need a notion of nested AAA to maintain them? Do we care?


lenaqr commented 8 years ago

Another place where this sort of thing might come up is hierarchical Dirichlet processes, although I think the practice of implementing them using CRP + memoization does the right thing by forwarding the relevant applications to the base CRP.