probcomp / cgpm

Library of composable generative population models which serve as the modeling and inference backend of BayesDB.
Apache License 2.0
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Fix build by adding a dependency on nomkl #248

Closed zane closed 6 years ago

zane commented 6 years ago

For some time now the Travis CI builds for probcomp/bayeslite probcomp/cgpm, and probcomp/Venturecxx have all been failing with the following error.

Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load or

Some even started failing without any commits having been pushed up to master which would suggest that the failures are due to a shift in the dependencies being pushed by conda.

MKL, also known as the Intel® Math Kernel Library, is a proprietary math library for us on Intel hardware. Conda, our build tool, provides versions of our dependencies that include MKL and others that do not. Our (my and @fsaad's) hypothesis here is that some shift in the underlying build environment caused our packages to start being build with MKL whereas the test environment does not have MKL available.

This pull request adds a dependency on the nomkl package, which appears to be the recommended way of opting out of MKL support for numpy and other dependencies of ours.