probe-rs / vscode

VSCode debug extension for probe-rs. It uses the MS DAP protocol to communicate directly with the probe (via probe-rs), and supports basic command line debugging in addition to VSCode UI.
65 stars 6 forks source link

An error with the usage of the probe occured #24

Closed Raunak-Singh-Inventor closed 2 years ago

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

I installed the probe-rs vscode extension. Probe-rs detects my chip and my port ,but isn't able to debug my Rust program.

Here is my debug console output:

Received DAP Request sequence #1 : initialize
   Sent DAP Response sequence #1 : initialize

Received DAP Request sequence #2 : launch
   Sent DAP Response sequence #2 : launch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T01:46:48Z WARN  probe_rs::config::registry] Found chip nRF52833_xxAA which matches given partial name nRF52833. Consider specifying its full name.

probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: ....Closing session from  :
probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: DAP Protocol server exiting

Triggered DAP Event: probe-rs-show-message

Here is my launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "probe-rs-debug",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "led_roulette_debugger",
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "programBinary": "/home/raunaksingh/RustProjects/discovery/microbit/target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/led-roulette.d", //!MODIFY
            "chip": "nRF52833", //!MODIFY
            "connectUnderReset": true,
            "runtimeExecutable": "probe-rs-debugger",
            "runtimeArgs": [
            "coreIndex": 0,
            "flashingEnabled": true,
            "resetAfterFlashing": true,
            "haltAfterReset": true,
            "consoleLogLevel": "Info", //Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Trace 

I am trying to flash my code to the nRF52833 on the Microbit. I am on Ubuntu Linux.

noppej commented 2 years ago

Hi. The clue is in the "ERROR: [2021-12-23T01:46:48Z WARN probe_rs::config::registry] Found chip nRF52833_xxAA which matches given partial name nRF52833. Consider specifying its full name."

Try changing your launch.json value for chip to nRF52833_xxAA as suggested ;-)

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

Changing the chip to nRF52833_xxAA removes the warning, but the original error still pops up: image

Here is the updated output to the debug console:

Received DAP Request sequence #1 : initialize
   Sent DAP Response sequence #1 : initialize

Received DAP Request sequence #2 : launch
   Sent DAP Response sequence #2 : launch

Triggered DAP Event: probe-rs-show-message
probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: ....Closing session from  :
probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: DAP Protocol server exiting
noppej commented 2 years ago

Sorry about that. Can you change the launch.json value for log to Debug and send the results please.

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

Here is the updated output with log value set to Debug:

Received DAP Request sequence #1 : initialize
   Sent DAP Response sequence #1 : initialize

Received DAP Request sequence #2 : launch

Sent DAP Response: Response {
    body: None,
    command: "launch",
    message: None,
    request_seq: 2,
    seq: 2,
    success: true,
    type_: "response",
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::tools] Found 1 CMSIS-DAP probes using libusb, searching HID
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::tools] Found 1 CMSIS-DAP probes total
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG jaylink] libusb
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG jaylink] libusb has capability API: true
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG jaylink] libusb has HID access: true
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG jaylink] libusb has hotplug support: true
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG jaylink] libusb can detach kernel driver: true
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::tools] Opening 0d28:0204 in CMSIS-DAPv2 mode
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::commands] Draining probe of any pending data.
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::commands] Attempt 1 to find packet size
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::commands] Success: packet size is 64
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap::commands] Configuring probe to use packet size 64
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Detected probe capabilities: Capabilities { _swd_implemented: true, _jtag_implemented: false, swo_uart_implemented: false, swo_manchester_implemented: false, _atomic_commands_implemented: true, _test_domain_timer_implemented: false, swo_streaming_trace_implemented: false, _uart_communication_port_implemented: false, uart_com_port_implemented: false }
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::config::registry] Searching registry for chip with name nRF52833_xxAA
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::config::registry] Exact match for chip name: nRF52833_xxAA
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attaching to target system (clock = 1000kHz)
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=0)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 1 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Selecting DP Default
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register ABORT, value=0x0000001e
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=0, data=0x0000001e
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Reading DP register CTRL/STAT
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 3 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Read    DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0x50000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=4, data=0x50000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Reading DP register CTRL/STAT
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Read    DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xf0000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0x50000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=4, data=0x50000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Reading DP register CTRL/STAT
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Read    DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xf0000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Reading DP register CTRL/STAT
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=DebugPort, addr=4)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 1 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Read    DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xf0000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register CTRL/STAT, value=0xf0000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=4, data=0xf0000f00
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register IDR
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x000000f0
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x000000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=252)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 3 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    IDR, value=0x24770011
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register IDR
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 1, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x010000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x010000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=252)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    IDR, value=0x2880000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register IDR
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 2, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x020000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x020000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=252)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    IDR, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register IDR
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x000000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x000000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=252)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    IDR, value=0x24770011
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register BASE
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=248)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 1 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    BASE, value=0xe00ff003
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register BASE2
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=240)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 1 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 1 of batch of 1 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    BASE2, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register CSW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=0)
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    CSW, value=0x23000040
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 1, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 6, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U8 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0xe3000010
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register CSW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=0)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    CSW, value=0x23000050
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 0, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 1, AddrInc: Off, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U8 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0x23000040
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] HNONSEC supported: false
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] AP GenericAp { address: ApAddress { dp: Default, ap: 0 } }: MemoryAp(MemoryApInformation { address: ApAddress { dp: Default, ap: 0 }, only_32bit_data_size: false, debug_base_address: 3759140864, supports_hnonsec: false })
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register IDR
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 1, AP_BANK_SEL to 15
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x010000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x010000f0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=252)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 3 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    IDR, value=0x2880000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] AP GenericAp { address: ApAddress { dp: Default, ap: 1 } }: Other { address: ApAddress { dp: Default, ap: 1 } }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::communication_interface] Changing AP to 0, AP_BANK_SEL to 0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::dp] Writing DP register SELECT, value=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=DebugPort, addr=8, data=0x00000000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0x63000012
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 4 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 of batch of 4 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x3010000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: a05f0001 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=12, data=0xa05f0001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0x63000012
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edfc }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edfc
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 5 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 5 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 5 of batch of 5 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edfc }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edfc
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 1 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=12, data=0x00000001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 4 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 of batch of 4 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0x63000012
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 3 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000ed30 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000ed30
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register DRW, value=DRW { data: 1f }
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=12, data=0x0000001f
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 4 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 4 of batch of 4 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000edf0 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000edf0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x1010001
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register CSW, value=CSW { DbgSwEnable: 0, HNONSEC: 1, PROT: 2, CACHE: 3, SPIDEN: 0, _RES0: 0, MTE: 0, Type: 0, Mode: 0, TrinProg: 0, DeviceEn: 0, AddrInc: Single, _RES1: 0, SIZE: U32 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=0, data=0x63000012
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 3 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 3 of batch of 3 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002008 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002008
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000200c }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000200c
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002010 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002010
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002014 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002014
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002018 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002018
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e0002000 }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe0002000
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x260
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Writing register TAR, value=TAR { address: e000201c }
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Write(port=AccessPort, addr=4, data=0xe000201c
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Reading register DRW
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Adding command to batch: Read(port=AccessPort, addr=12)
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 items in batch
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Attempting batch of 2 items
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] 2 of batch of 2 items suceeded
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::arm::ap] Read register    DRW, value=0x0
[2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs::probe::cmsisdap] Detaching from CMSIS-DAP probe
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs_debugger::protocol] show_message
ERROR: [2021-12-23T18:34:34Z DEBUG probe_rs_debugger::protocol] log_to_console
probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: ....Closing session from  :
probe-rs-debugger CONSOLE: DAP Protocol server exiting
INFO: Triggered DAP Event: Event {
    body: Some(
            "message": String(
                "An error with the usage of the probe occured\n",
            "severity": String(
    event: "probe-rs-show-message",
    seq: 7,
    type_: "event",
noppej commented 2 years ago

Hi. I am testing against a MicroBit 2.0 board, using the same launch.json settings as you, and am not able to reproduce the error. Are you able to share your source (or at least your Cargo.toml and a small .rs that reproduces the problem so I can try it out here?

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

Here is the project:

noppej commented 2 years ago

I can reproduce with your code, and then get it to work with one small change to your launch.json. I should have spotted this sooner :)

Please remove the .d from the end of the programBinary option. The binary file is simply named led-roulette without any file extensions.

If you can confirm this works for you, then I will open a PR to generate a more useful error message.

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

@noppej Removing .d from the end of programBinary in the launch.json doesn't fix the issue. I updated the launch.json in the repo.

noppej commented 2 years ago

Can you try to set connectUnderReset to false please.

Raunak-Singh-Inventor commented 2 years ago

@noppej Setting connectUnderReset to false creates a new error: image Here is my output:

noppej commented 2 years ago

OK, that means you are debugging. The message you are getting is a known limitation. If you set a breakpoint at a valid line of RUST code in your program, the debugger will halt there as expected.

I will fix the original problem reported by providing a suitable error message when trying to flash an invalid binary file.