probe-rs / vscode

VSCode debug extension for probe-rs. It uses the MS DAP protocol to communicate directly with the probe (via probe-rs), and supports basic command line debugging in addition to VSCode UI.
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Failing to connect to server #85

Closed petermarks closed 4 months ago

petermarks commented 5 months ago

When starting a debug session, I get "A timeout occurred." in the Debug Console almost immediately. In the developer console I see:

[Extension Host] probe-rs-debug: Starting as a DAP Protocol server
probe-rs-debug: No logging data will be written because the RUST_LOG environment variable is not set.
probe-rs-debug: Listening for requests on port 46473

[Extension Host] probe-rs-debug: ..Starting session from   :

[Extension Host] probe-rs-debug: ....Closing session from  :
probe-rs-debug: CONSOLE: DAP Protocol server exiting

It looks like it starts the server on one port, then tries to connect on a different port. Looking at the code, I don't immediately see how that can happen.

probe-rs-debugger: v0.22.4 vs-code: 1.86.2 OS: Linux x64 6.1.67

noppej commented 5 months ago

Hi Peter,

I don't think that is what happening. What you are seeing is correct, and can be interpreted as :

There is obviously something else happening, but I'd need to see more of your config (launch.json) to try to identify why you are getting such an unhelpful message.

petermarks commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the explanation @noppej.

Here's my launch.json:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "probe-rs-debug",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "probe-rs Test",
      "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
      "connectUnderReset": true,
      "chip": "RP2040",
      "flashingConfig": {
        "flashingEnabled": true,
        "haltAfterReset": false
      "coreConfigs": [
          "coreIndex": 0,
          "programBinary": "./target/thumbv6m-none-eabi/debug/${workspaceFolderBasename}"

Let me know if you need any further info.

I should add that I'm using NixOS, which often introduces joy and wonder, but I'm not sure that is relevant here as the server seems to be launching fine.

petermarks commented 5 months ago

@noppej pointed out on chat that connectUnderReset isn't supported on the RP2040, and removing that solved the issue for me. Agreed, a better error message would be helpful.