probonopd / WirelessPrinting

Print wirelessly from Cura, PrusaSlicer or Slic3r to your 3D printer connected to an ESP8266 or ESP32 module
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Testing with Wemos Mega #113

Closed chepo92 closed 3 years ago

chepo92 commented 5 years ago

I found this board , has someone tested it with this firmware? I see it difficult to connect the sd card

probonopd commented 5 years ago

This code is for ESP8266/ESP32; the board you linked also has an ATmega2560. What would we do with it?

chepo92 commented 5 years ago

In my actual setup I have a ramps with a standard mega connected to a wemos D1 mini with a connector to the ramps, ideally this would have everything embebed (it is missing an sd card conected to esp)

probonopd commented 5 years ago

I see what you are up to. I guess most users will only want to attach the ESP to their exsiting printer without changing the printer mainboard, though. If you want to do that, maybe Duet is a better option.

GMagician commented 5 years ago

This board has a double CPU so probably you may use this code using SPIFFS without any issue nut I think that if SD pins are not shared between Mega and ESP8266 you will never be able to use SD. Some board schematic will probably help to decide what to do but I doubt you will never find them.

just-jason commented 5 years ago

Some models seem to have a few pins from the ESP broken out, could you use a few of those for the SD ?

just-jason commented 5 years ago

This board has a double CPU so probably you may use this code using SPIFFS without any issue nut I think that if SD pins are not shared between Mega and ESP8266 you will never be able to use SD.

Is the current operation of the Wireless Printing code not exactly that? A "bridge" between the SD and the printer CPU through the ESP? There is no direct connection between the SD used for the Wireless Printing and the printer CPU. The SD is connected to the ESP ( looks like it should be doable in this case as well using the pins that are broken out) and the ESP is sending the commands through serial to the printer CPU ( in this case the MEGA) which is already set up in this boards configuration. I can not see why the SD card would need to be directly connected to the MEGA at all for use with Wireless Printing.

GMagician commented 5 years ago

@just-jason that's my fault. I thought he meant to use SD connected to, eg, lcd board (that usually is connected to ramps). If you want to use an SD connected directly to ESP then you have to use some free pins (GPIO0 with care because is also used to enter program mode AFAIK).

just-jason commented 5 years ago

I thought he meant to use SD connected to, eg, lcd board (that usually is connected to ramps)

That seems to be the "holy grail" that everyone is looking for at the moment, but sadly not so easy to do in a usable way with usable transfer speeds. For now, this project is a good enough solution, and I thank you for all your contributions to it.