probonopd / WirelessPrinting

Print wirelessly from Cura, PrusaSlicer or Slic3r to your 3D printer connected to an ESP8266 or ESP32 module
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Guide for prusa mk2 connecting #159

Closed baykah closed 3 years ago

baykah commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for your work

For the prusa mk2

I want to be sure,

How did you connected to the printer ?

Did you solder thin wire somewhere between U10 pin 11/12 (after resistor ?) and U2 pin 2/3

Thanks !

Is there a warning if you try to send >3Mo file to the printed when using internal flash ?

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Hi @baykah. I did not solder anything to the Prusa i3MK2S board. I used the pins on the unpopulated connector that is on the board (the one where you could attach e.g., the multi-material upgrade). To make this work, though, you need to change something in the firmware so that it uses the Serial port on that connector for printing rather than the serial port that is connected to the USB port via an adapter chip.

See this:

baykah commented 3 years ago

ok i'll give it a try

I have a spare nodemcu esp8266 to play with !

baykah commented 3 years ago

I've trying to get the pursa to be flashed with the "new" firmware without luck

I have the exact same issue, I think the printer work, when I use the clic there is the noise ... just no screen

I followed the delete the lcd lib before flashing ...

When I go back to official firmware is back to normal.

In the mean time, the nodemcu is flashed, seems to be working, and pluged to P3 ...

Could you help me ?, or maybe send me your HEX file of your MK2 ?

baykah commented 3 years ago

I tried this

after flashing, avrdude says content mismatch during reading check of flash ...

Tried on a brand new arduino 1.6.8 on my laptop ...

baykah commented 3 years ago

I've tried a lott of things during the afternoon, none worked : (

I'm disapointed not being able to make it work ... I love your idea, octoprint is too much and I allready had enought SD corrupt on my PI projects ..

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Well, what can I say? I am using an Original Prusa i3 MK2S with WirelessPrint and this i3 MK2S firmware with Serial2 enabled. Have been using it for a long time.


baykah commented 3 years ago

Ok i've made some progress, I saw a video where the guy is using the ultimaker git to have the RAMBO board def in the arduino IDE

So, I tried and it worked directly from the IDE.

It seems to be working fine now :)

probonopd commented 3 years ago


It seems to be working fine now :)

So you were able to print wirelessly?

baykah commented 3 years ago

Yes, I did 3 print of about 20 to 40min

The second one stoped arround 37min, I was not enable to download the gcode completely from the browser after it failed, it stopped arround the same 37/40 ratio in term of size downloaded (gcode of 900ko total) The printed showed "completed" but it remained in last position heating ON ...

Maybe I did something wrong, I click to fast some times ..

I orderer a wemos and the SD shield to do a proper job

Thanks !

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing. You may be running into We do not know yet what is causing this, any help appreciated.