probonopd / go-appimage

Go implementation of AppImage tools
MIT License
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Adjust download script to work with githubs new API #224

Closed borgmanJeremy closed 1 year ago

borgmanJeremy commented 1 year ago

The current wget command in the README does not work anymore. Github changed their website so the actual release info is no longer embedded into the html and is dynamically loaded.

To properly fetch the latest releasing info they recommend using their API as described here:

This changes the README to use the new API and filter with jq (since its parsing JSON).

probonopd commented 1 year ago

Thanks @borgmanJeremy


wget $(curl | jq -r '.[] | select(.tag_name == "continuous") | .assets[] | select((.name | endswith("x86_64.AppImage")) and (.name | contains("appimagetool"))) | .browser_download_url') -O appimagetool

will work it needs jq which may not be installed everywhere. So I am using

wget -c$(wget -q -O - | grep "appimagetool-.*-x86_64.AppImage" | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)

now. Does that work for you?