Makes Linux applications self-contained by copying in the libraries and plugins that the application uses, and optionally generates an AppImage. Can be used for Qt and other applications
When I bundle an application that uses QtWebEngineProcess launching the webengine inside the app fails:
$ ./AppRun
/home/djcj/Downloads/notepadqq/appdir/usr/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I need to set the runpath manually to make it work:
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' usr/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess
When I bundle an application that uses QtWebEngineProcess launching the webengine inside the app fails:
I need to set the runpath manually to make it work:
patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../lib' usr/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess