Open kenjiWuJian opened 1 year ago
I've tried add some options(such as -appimage), this issue was not reappear.
You 'must' add any option for it to work. I used -qmake, for example.
I also have a general issue, which is caused by a desktop configuration error. Please use the -verbose = 3 option to print the specific error, which will indicate the detailed error.
./linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage "myBinary"
Below is the error: linuxdeployqt (commit 6fcaf74), build 55 built on 2023-09-23 13:33:41 UTC FHS-like mode with PREFIX, fhsPrefix: "/../.." QDir::exists: Empty or null file name ERROR: Error: Could not find app-binary ""
I am sure my application can run and the path is correct, the "myBinary" is the full path of my binary, including the binary name. Is there any folder structure requirement to use your tools?