[mktplinkfw] kernel length aligned to 1328372
[mktplinkfw] *** error: images are too big by 288706 bytes
[mktplinkfw] kernel length aligned to 1328372
[mktplinkfw] *** error: images are too big by 288706 bytes
profile fits (barely) into the 703n using OpenWrt Chaos Calmer. It does not fit anymore using OpenWrt snapshot.I would have hoped for musl-based trunk to generate smaller, not larger, images. Oh well.
The following set of packages gets installed:
alsa-utils announce base-files busybox coreutils-stty dropbear fstools kernel kmod-ath9k kmod-gpio-button-hotplug kmod-hid-generic kmod-input-evdev kmod-sound-core kmod-usb-acm kmod-usb-audio kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-hid kmod-usb2 libc libgcc libiwinfo-lua luci-mod-admin-full luci-theme-bootstrap madplay mtd netifd openssh-sftp-server opkg swconfig triggerhappy uboot-envtools uci uhttpd wpad-mini
Could the kernel be trimmed down using http://elinux.org/Kernel_Size_Tuning_Guide?