probot / ideas

Share ideas for new GitHub Apps built with Probot
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probot issuer #144

Closed Wid1ey closed 1 month ago

Wid1ey commented 1 month ago

Here are some developer community resources and GitHub repositories that provide and follow best practices for integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with various external platforms and ecosystems:

Developer Community Resources

  1. Stack Overflow

    • Tag: GitHub
    • Tag: GitHub-Enterprise
    • Stack Overflow is a popular platform where developers ask and answer questions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud integration. You can find discussions on best practices, troubleshooting, and innovative solutions.
  2. GitHub Community Forum

    • GitHub Community Forum: Integrations
    • The GitHub Community Forum has a dedicated section for integrations where developers discuss various aspects of integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with other platforms and ecosystems.
  3. Reddit

    • Subreddit: r/github
    • Reddit's GitHub subreddit is a place where developers share insights, ask questions, and discuss best practices related to GitHub integrations.

GitHub Repositories

  1. Probot

    • Repository: probot/probot
    • Probot is a framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and enhance your workflow. It provides various examples and best practices for integrating GitHub with other services.
  2. GitHub Actions

    • Repository: actions/starter-workflows
    • GitHub Actions is a powerful automation tool that integrates seamlessly with GitHub Enterprise Cloud. This repository contains starter workflows for various use cases, providing best practices and examples.
  3. OpenZeppelin Contracts

    • Repository: OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
    • OpenZeppelin provides secure and community-vetted smart contracts for Ethereum. This repository includes best practices for integrating these contracts with GitHub for automated deployments and testing.
  4. Terraform GitHub Actions

    • Repository: hashicorp/setup-terraform
    • This repository provides GitHub Actions for setting up Terraform, an infrastructure as code tool. It showcases best practices for integrating infrastructure management with GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
  5. GitHub Integrations with AWS

    • Repository: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials
    • This repository provides GitHub Actions for configuring AWS credentials. It demonstrates best practices for integrating AWS services with GitHub workflows.
  6. GitHub Integrations with Azure

    • Repository: Azure/actions
    • This repository contains GitHub Actions for Azure services, providing examples and best practices for integrating Azure with GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
  7. GitHub Integrations with Google Cloud

    • Repository: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud
    • This repository provides GitHub Actions for Google Cloud, offering best practices for integrating Google Cloud services with GitHub.

By exploring these resources and repositories, you can find valuable insights and examples of best practices for integrating GitHub Enterprise Cloud with various external platforms and ecosystems. These resources will help ensure that your integrations are secure, efficient, and aligned with industry standards.