procellulaire / robotico

ROBOTICO - The Robo-vehicle helper for Waterfront Communities
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ROBOTICO - The Robo-vehicle helper - Game design planning #1

Open procellulaire opened 1 year ago

procellulaire commented 1 year ago


Conflict: It is the year 2024 , humans are generating an ever growing amount of trash where toxic materials and plastics represent an increasing problem worldwide. Floods and water-levels keep raising causing major issues in trash, plastics and toxic materials management around the planet. Some people even believe we have no future and going to another planet is where the efforts should be invested.

Despite the efforts of recycling and reduction of plastics usage around the world, cleaning , sorting, transporting, extracting, recycling depots, all are costly and tedious activities that require specialized tools and people to do the job, and it is not been done to the best of our capacities, we can see the results when the recycled containers get to destination.

Natural disasters hit the coasts and affect communities living nearby and the ones who live from tourism, fishing, and derivate commercial activities. In January 2022, the government of Peru declared an environmental emergency after a tanker operated by the Spanish company Repsol spilled nearly 12,000 barrels of crude oil into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Lima. Peru’s environmental agency estimates that oil spread across over 39 square miles of sea, beaches and protected nature reserves, an area the size of Paris and almost twice the size of Manhattan.

Experts fear devastating consequences for marine species and local fishermen. Spillover effects threaten to endanger180,000 birds, including many species already at risk, while an estimated 5,000 families have been affected. The disaster was the largest-ever oil spill in Peru, a country that has seen repeated oil spills over the past two decades, including disastrous pollution in the Peruvian Amazon.

Game briefing: ROBOTICO Collaborative robo-vehicles is born to become the first Maker and Rental of EV robo-vehicles helper systems deserving the Waterfront Zones worldwide. Its mission is to be strongly involved in the communities of each locality, empowering the locals to design, own and operate the robo-vehicles business like experts, because they are being backed by the larger Custom Robo-vehicle builders platforms.

Game Hero : Introducing COBOTICO :
A new expansion platform that transforms the Standard Robo-vehicle rented to visitors of a location , onto a Collaborative Robot helper for Communities and the Extractive Industries : a complete new and innovative way to transportation, and automation of natural debris cleaning, extraction of plastics - microplastics, trash and toxic materials collection from a variety of terrains including sand, grass, earthy grounds, rivers, lakes, beaches, coral reefs, and other natural areas hard to reach.

Game Play: In this RPG , Metaverse powered GAMEFI experience, you are the owner of a ROBOTICO local game Rental service and must operate the Shop, help the local community deal with post catastrophic event cleanup, natural disaster debris, post vacation season trash extraction, and multiple missions that will keep you and your float of robo-vehicles busy at work.

You must craft solar panels to extend the vehicle life-time, build parts from recycled materials you can collect, expand your vehicle float to support the demand, deal with competition opening a shop across the street, and when you think all is going perfectly fine...Natural catastrophe or long week-end vacation comes and the situation gets worst than ever.

Everyone faces the same problems on the game, growth of the place results in growth of population, pollution, plastic trash; if you dont clean your ecosystem from the debris, toxic materials, and plastics trash your ecosystem will die. Game over.

List of features, Missions, in progress:

Character : ReadyPlayerMe avatar integration. Hero: You and the rest of the owners of a ROBOTICO Rental service, where the COBOTICO platform is been created and tested , are the Hero of the story. Multiplayer : up to 8 multiplayers for Treasure hunt mode

Game Missions: Transport humans, other robots, animals, endangered specie, toxic materials extraction, plastics extraction, debris and trash extraction.

Game rewards: Achievement NFT, Crafting items rewards, Competition mode rewards.

Play to earn: Marketplace to sell , buy , trade robo-vehicles COBOTICO accessories ; Stake NFT ; Collect materials and craft items for sale, Earn special reward on sponsored events.

Detail Level Description : TBD

COBOTICO expansion system tools & accessories :

Detail Level 1 Description : TBD

Detail Level 2 Description : TBD

procellulaire commented 1 year ago

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