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Migrating codebase from `javascript` to `typescript` #3004

Open Swarnendu0123 opened 5 months ago

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

Increasing Access

By migrating the codebase to TypeScript, we aim to increase accessibility to developers who are familiar with statically typed languages and who prefer the robust type checking provided by TypeScript. This change will facilitate a smoother onboarding process for new contributors and help improve collaboration within the open-source community.

Feature enhancement details

TypeScript offers static type checking, which helps catch potential errors during development, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.

TypeScript provides enhanced IDE support with features like code completion, refactoring tools, and better documentation integration, improving the development experience.

With TypeScript, navigating through the codebase becomes more efficient due to its support for defining explicit types and interfaces, enabling developers to quickly understand the structure of the application.

But, first we have to define the steps to migrate to Typescript.

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

Migrating only client side part to typescript is not a feasible approach in my opinion , as we are building the whole project together via webpack and if we convert only the client side into typescript we may get a lot of errors on the go , so it is better to migrate the whole project from Javascript to typescript but in this approach of migrating the whole project , we have to make some changes in the webpack files so that it could convert the ts files into js files and we have to make lot of other changes in the backend code and client code as well , ideal and best approach is to use monorepos or turborepos but in this approach we may have to bootstrap the project from start in some cases , @lindapaiste @raclim what are your views on this , if you want to convert this project from javascript to typescript I can give it a try you , I will open a new issue for that and you could assign me that and after that I will start working on it.

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

Well I think, this is not a issue which can be solved by a single person, the codebase is so large, generally when we convert any project from .js to .ts for type safety and for less errors in long run.

Your enthusiasm is quite appreciated @rahulrana701, but as I opened this issue, let me work on this, if at any point of time I need your help, definitely I will ask you.

@raclim @lindapaiste can you assign this issue to me, I will not delete the .js or .jsx files, instead of that I will try do go with the basic configuration and convert the client side code to typescript. after that step by step, We can convert the whole codebase to typescript.

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

@Swarnendu0123, you can absolutely work on this issue if you want, brother. It's just that you didn't mention it initially, so I thought you didn't want to work on it. But it's okay. In my opinion, it's not so large that we need more than one developer to convert it to TypeScript; it can be done alone. However, you can continue

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

@Swarnendu0123, you can absolutely work on this issue if you want, brother. It's just that you didn't mention it initially, so I thought you didn't want to work on it. But it's okay. In my opinion, it's not so large that we need more than one developer to convert it to TypeScript; it can be done alone. However, you can continue

Thanks, actually I am just waiting for @raclim and @lindapaiste's approval and views on the issue. And any method they can suggest.

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

@Swarnendu0123, you can definitely reach out to me if you need any help because I know how to convert this whole project into TypeScript.

raclim commented 5 months ago

Thanks for raising this!

To be honest, I don't feel comfortable with implementing a change of this scale (which also extends to implementing this to the entire codebase proposed in #3007). Although TypeScript has become much more widely used and offers more capabilities and robustness, it adds complexity, a much higher learning curve, and requires a lot of dedicated time to implement, which I'm not sure is worth its benefits. In comparison, I feel that JavaScript is easier for newer contributors/developers to learn and has more resources for support/learning due to its longevity, which aligns with p5.js's values for access and beginner-friendly initiatives.

Overall, I don't feel a strong need to change the entire language we're using if what we have already is working relatively well and is still widely used, or at least jumping into this type of change any time soon. However, I probably am biased towards Javascript in general and don't use TypeScript as often. @lindapaiste would love to here your thoughts here as well!

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

Javascript is a very good language and it is also a very good language for beginners, I completely agree with you @raclim. but during open source contributors many open source contributors face issues while developing, and are not aware of type safety. For the long run, contributors also can gain compatibility in typescript.

It is a very big change, I completely agree. But what we can do is, we can start developing typescript files by small steps. We can start converting the components first, then the other client side logics, state management logics and the whole client side codebase.

And when it is well tested completely and well implemented, we can migrate to Typescript. Till then we can have the typescript files in the same folder but we will not use it in production.

If you give me approval, I can start working on this. Also I have mentioned in this issue.

What is your opinion @lindapaiste ?

raclim commented 5 months ago

Just to add, I'm probably going to get a few more opinions on this as well, both within and outside of the online realm!

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

@lindapaiste @raclim as I have mentioned earlier if we need to use typescript in a project , best approach is to setup a turbo repo but in this case we can't we , if yes , we have to bootstrap the project from start which is not appropriate , and if we migrate this to typescript it will create a mess and we have to do look on to each and every line of code properly. So in my opinion we are good to go with javascript.

But we can still convert it into ts but it is gonna be really messy.

lindapaiste commented 5 months ago

I will chime in with more thoughts later but I don’t think that the build process is as complicated as what you are describing. You can have a project with a mix of TS and JS so it doesn’t need to be done all at once either. Look through the open PRs on the ml5.js repo and find a PR from me with the changes to webpack to support a mixed TS and JS codebase. It could be a little different here but that can be a starting point or at least a reference.

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

@lindapaiste yes it can be converted just have to make some changes in webpack files and convert js files to ts files and make some changes by viewing every file necessary

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

I will chime in with more thoughts later but I don’t think that the build process is as complicated as what you are describing. You can have a project with a mix of TS and JS so it doesn’t need to be done all at once either. Look through the open PRs on the ml5.js repo and find a PR from me with the changes to webpack to support a mixed TS and JS codebase. It could be a little different here but that can be a starting point or at least a reference.

This can be the starting point, @lindapaiste can you suggest fron where to start?

lindapaiste commented 5 months ago

This is the PR that I was mentioning:

The minimum that is required for the setup is:

rahulrana701 commented 5 months ago

@Swarnendu0123 are you working on this ??

Swarnendu0123 commented 5 months ago

@Swarnendu0123 are you working on this ??

Yes, it will take time as I already mentioned, I have to check every aspect of it before raising any PR.

lindapaiste commented 4 months ago

Okay so there's lots to discuss here. Before we get bogged down in implementation details I think it's important to come to a consensus on whether we think that using TypeScript is an improvement.




@Swarnendu0123 We do not need to (or want to) convert everything at once.

IF we decide that this is something which we want to do, which we have not decided yet, the steps would be:

  1. Create a PR which enables using TypeScript, but only rewrites one single file to test the system. As I explained in this comment. We would start with a very permissive TS configuration with "strict": false and "allowJs": true.
  2. Automatically migrate our existing component PropTypes to TS using a tool like Ratchet and create a PR with those results.
  3. Create additional PRs to add type definitions to local variables, functions defined within components (handleClick, etc.), utility functions, API calls, etc.
  4. Add stricter rules to our TS configuration such as "noImplicitAny": true and fix the violations that pop up with those rules. Possibly one PR per rule. Possibly we focus on step 3 and only add additional rules once we know that we're no longer violating it.

As for the question of client vs. server, I don't see any arguments being made here as to why we should address the client portion first. I would argue the opposite, that we should handle the server first, for the following reasons:

I would put the order of addressing things as:

  1. Mongoose code on server
  2. Express code (API handlers) on server
  3. Utility functions on client and server
  4. Redux code on client
  5. Components on client

I could also envision a scenario where we only do steps 1-4 and convert all of the "logic" code to TS but keep the components as pure JS for the sake of beginner-friendliness.

Swarnendu0123 commented 4 months ago

Cool! thanks for your guidance @lindapaiste, you suggested to raise a PR with the basic configuration and maybe one or two files changed to ts. And also I completely agree with you that the server side code has till now no type safety, so we should target the server side first. I will raise with the basic config on this issue.