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Reintroduce main navigation link for Download page #457

Open meezwhite opened 2 months ago

meezwhite commented 2 months ago

Increasing Access


Most appropriate sub-area of p5.js?

Main navigation (on the left), all pages.

Feature request details

I greatly appreciated the old site’s readily available link to the "Download" page in the main navigation. It was convenient.

Recently, when I needed to find the download page, I had to search for it and eventually noticed it was located at the bottom in the footer. This was not immediately obvious.

To improve user-friendliness and accessibility, especially for those who may not look on GitHub or at the end of the page, it would be beneficial to add a link to the "Download" page in the main navigation. This would make it easier for all users, particularly new visitors, to quickly find the downloads they need.

Qianqianye commented 1 month ago

Thanks @meezwhite for the suggestion.

The reason we didn't include 'Download' in the left-side navigation bar is based on research indicating that most p5.js users, especially beginners, prefer using the p5.js web editor or CDN links, which are more accessible for new users. Due to limited vertical space in the left-side navigation bar, we had to make the difficult decision to move the 'Download' link to the following two locations:

  1. At the bottom of the homepage when you scroll down a little, as shown in the screenshot below. image
  2. In the footers on every page.

We hope these options will provide sufficient entry points to access 'Download'. We understand that the new design, especially the new navigation bar, might take some time to get used to. We can revisit this issue and the design decision if more users raise the same concern.

meezwhite commented 1 month ago

@Qianqianye I understand your perspective that beginners might find it easier to start with the p5.js web editor or use the CDN link, and maybe use a downloaded version at a later stage.

To me, it seems there is sufficient space for a "Download" link 😅 I don't think it would overshadow the "Start Coding" button, which is more prominently displayed. However, I understand the concern that it might prompt users to think a download is necessary.

Even if users were to visit the download page first, they are still encouraged to "Start Coding Online" first. Maybe a noticeable tip box at the start of the download page to guide beginners to start coding online with the p5.js web editor due to its low entry barrier, would encourage beginners even more to first try p5.js online and not worry about any downloads.

Ultimately, I trust your judgment on whether a link to the download page in the left navigation would be beneficial.

Thanks for considering and showing me where to find the download page. 🙏