processing / p5.js

p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. —
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WEBGL 16bit texture #5994

Open newyellow opened 1 year ago

newyellow commented 1 year ago


Hi, I was trying to make GPU particle system, and wondering if there's a way to create 16bit texture for the shader to render?

The idea of GPU particle is storing particle position data into a texture's RGB channel, and accessing those data through shader. I had succeed make this particle system by storing the data on a graphic (with createGraphic). But 256 for each channel is not precise enough.

I had try modifying the p5.js source code, changing gl.texImage2D's format parameter from gl.RGBA to gl.RGBA16F kind of thing, but it didn't work.

Since I had no real experiences on raw WebGL, wondering if there's anyway to make this work.


welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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davepagurek commented 1 year ago

Although p5 doesn't support that granular level of updating WebGL textures, there's support for floating point textures in the p5.Framebuffer library (although I haven't yet added granular support for all texture types, but if you just need any floating point texture, it at least lets you specify that.)

newyellow commented 1 year ago

Although p5 doesn't support that granular level of updating WebGL textures, there's support for floating point textures in the p5.Framebuffer library (although I haven't yet added granular support for all texture types, but if you just need any floating point texture, it at least lets you specify that.)

Wow thank you @davepagurek, this seems just what I need. Will give it a try!

aferriss commented 1 year ago

You can change the data type of a texture to float if you want. See this issue

davepagurek commented 1 year ago

Oh nice! Looks like we don't export that class's docs to the p5 reference, even though you've documented all those constructor settings pretty thoroughly. @aferriss do you think it's worth showing that to users or is it sufficient having it just in the code for e.g. library developers to look at?

newyellow commented 1 year ago

Thank you guys for the replies! Would like to share some test I made in the past few days.

Although it seems @davepagurek's renderBuffer solution is perfect for particles (16bit each channel), but I had an idea of packing a number into 3 channels (which will be a 32bit in total). I'm curious about the outcome so I still made a test on it.

And a small problem here is there are multiple values to store (positionX, positionY, rotation, velocity), so it might need 4 textures to store them all. And I made a trick by using UV mapping to put them all into a single texture. Just like this: untitled

uv [0-0.5, 0-0.5] (Top left) is positionX, uv [0.5-1.0, 0-0.5] (Top right) is positionY, uv [0-0.5, 0.5-1.0] (Bot left) is rotation, uv [0.5-1.0, 0.5-1.0] (Bot right) is velosity

and the result is something like this: gpu-particle-demo

I uploaded my code to openprocessing if anyone is interested. (hit key T to view the texture maps)

newyellow commented 1 year ago

Hi @aferriss I was also checking the source p5.js and wondering how to setup those settings values within p5.Texture class. But I didn't figure out how to use that Texture class to draw images.

The thing I want to do is to draw some shapes with p5's methods (like rect, circle, etc) and the feed the texture to a glsl shader. Not sure how to do that with the p5.Texture class.

inaridarkfox4231 commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, but I think it's very difficult to handle GPUparticles without using framebuffers. It may not be helpful, but I will give you a sample. GPU particle (old version)

newyellow commented 1 year ago

@inaridarkfox4231 thank you for the example! It's very helpful about how to use frameBuffers with p5js!

inaridarkfox4231 commented 1 year ago

When you develop it, you can create something like this. GPGPU_TEST gpu_particle_39526