processing / p5.js

p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. —
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Adds geometry to downloadable obj files functionality #6812

Closed diyaayay closed 2 weeks ago

diyaayay commented 4 months ago

Resolves #6769 Changes: 1- Added obj file support to save(). 2- Created a method called geometryToObj() in p5.Geometry.js .

Screenshots of the change: Sketch used:

let particles;
let button;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400, WEBGL); // Increase canvas size
  button = createButton('New');

function makeParticles() {
  if (particles) freeGeometry(particles);

  particles = buildGeometry(() => {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      // Adjust translation values to fit within the canvas
        randomGaussian(-50, 50),
        randomGaussian(-50, 50),
        randomGaussian(-50, 50)

Downloaded Obj File: image

Sketch to check the downloaded obj file:

let octa;
function preload() {
 octa = loadModel('model.obj');
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400, WEBGL);

function draw() {

Downloaded obj file on canvas: image

PR Checklist

diyaayay commented 4 months ago

@davepagurek Please take a look and let me know if this works and if further changes are needed, maybe unit tests, examples, or even how I've implemented this. Thanks.

diyaayay commented 4 months ago

@davepagurek made some changes, let me know if these work.Thanks.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @diyaayay! I just wanted to check in to see whether you're still interested and have time to work on this? No problem at all of not, and would you be open to other contributors or myself continuing off of this branch to finish up the feature?

diyaayay commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @diyaayay! I just wanted to check in to see whether you're still interested and have time to work on this? No problem at all of not, and would you be open to other contributors or myself continuing off of this branch to finish up the feature?

@davepagurek I've been a bit occupied lately with multiple stuff. I'm okay with any other contributors taking this up further and finishing the feature.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

No problem, thanks for the great foundation you've made for this feature so far 🙂 I hope GSoC is going well!

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

I've got a version of this that might work that can download both stl and obj filetypes, but I'm not sure how to submit it.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @dgrantham01! How have you been working on it so far? Need any help making a PR?

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

I made a little library type thing for my students to make generative sculptures last year and just modified it a bit to fit within the p5.Geometry class. It basically adds a save function to the class rather than going through the save function in the core library. I imagine that we could modify the save function in the core library similarly to the saveJson and saveStrings logic there.

This is the code though I haven't tested it in this context.

    save(filename = "model.obj", binary = false){
   let output;
   let nameAndExt = {
    "name": substring(0, filename.lastIndexOf(".")),
    "ext": filename.split('.').pop()

  if(nameAndExt[1] === "stl"){
    faceNormals = [];
    for (let f of this.faces) {
      const U = p5.Vector.sub(this.vertices[f[1]], this.vertices[f[0]]);
      const V = p5.Vector.sub(this.vertices[f[2]], this.vertices[f[0]]);
      const nx = U.y * V.z - U.z * V.y;
      const ny = U.z * V.x - U.x * V.z;
      const nz = U.x * V.y - U.y * V.x;
      faceNormals.push(createVector(nx, ny, nz).normalize());
      let offset = 80;
      const bufferLength = this.faces.length * 2 + this.faces.length * 3 * 4 * 4 + 80 + 4;
      const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer( bufferLength );
      output = new DataView( arrayBuffer );
      output.setUint32( offset, this.faces.length, true ); 
      offset += 4;

      for (const [key, f] of Object.entries(faces)){
        const normal = faceNormals[key];
        output.setFloat32(offset, normal.x, true ); 
        offset += 4;
        output.setFloat32(offset, normal.y, true ); 
        offset += 4;
        output.setFloat32(offset, normal.z, true ); 
        offset += 4;

        for (let vertexIndex of f) {
          const vertex = this.vertices[vertexIndex];
          output.setFloat32(offset, vertex.x, true ); 
          offset += 4;
          output.setFloat32(offset, vertex.y, true ); 
          offset += 4;
          output.setFloat32(offset, vertex.z, true ); 
          offset += 4;
        output.setUint16(offset, 0, true ); 
        offset += 2;

    output = ["solid " + nameAndExt[0]];
      // console.log(this.vertices)
    for (const [key, f] of Object.entries(faces)){
      const normal = faceNormals[key];
      output.push("facet normal " + normal.x + " " + normal.y + " " + normal.z);
      output.push(" outer loop");
      for (let vertexIndex of f) {
        const vertex = this.vertices[vertexIndex];
        output.push("vertex " + vertex.x + " " + vertex.y + " " + vertex.z);
      output.push(" endloop");

    output.push("endsolid " + nameAndExt[0] + "\n");
    output = []
    for (let v of this.vertices) {
      output.push("v " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z);
    for(let uv of this.uvs){
      output.push("vt " + uv.x + " " + uv.y);
    for(let vn of this.vertexNormals){
      output.push("vn " + vn.x + " " + vn.y + " " + vn.z);
    for (let f of this.faces) {
      output.push("f " + f[0] + " " + f[1] + " " + f[2]);
  downloadFile(new Blob([output], {type: 'text/plain'}), filename);

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

Nice! Are you able to clone this existing branch to add your STL exporter into the existing code, maybe by renaming the method to be format agnostic? Might be able to through here: image

For the OBJ version, I wonder if we have to handle the same issue mentioned in this comment and make it output something like f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3 in order to add both normals and UVs to the face. If you're interested in modifying the existing OBJ export code here to add handling for that in that would be great!

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

I got it checked out. Never really contributed to this kind of thing before, but I'll see if I can get it all together.

One clarification about the Geometry data organization, are the indices of the vertexNormals and uvs the always the same as the vertices? The wiki on the obj format suggests that they could be different, but I just want to double check because I think that's not the case here.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

That's right, although in an arbitrary .obj file they might be different, in p5.Geometry's internals, there will always be a 1:1 mapping of vertices to UVs, per-vertex colors and normals (if they exist -- vertices will always exist but the others may just be empty.)

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

Ok. I fixed the obj and added stl and I think I committed it through the github online thing. Should be working. My test sketch was working and both stl and objs opened in blender no proble. A quick scan over the text inside looked like it was correct as well.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

ok nice! does it let you push the code to a new branch and make a PR? Also by online thing, is that Github Codespaces?

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes. Codespaces is the online thing. I believe I managed to get it to commit and create a PR.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see it yet unfortunately, do you have a link to the PR?

dgrantham01 commented 2 weeks ago

I guess my commits aren't even going through because of a "husky" node version error, which I can't seem to resolve in codespaces, visualstudio, or github desktop. Here is a link to a forked version of the geometry file which should be correct.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks! If getting it all working through GitHub is a problem, this weekend I can try to coalesce everything together into this PR to get both of your changes in.

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

@all-contributors please add @diyaayay for code

allcontributors[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


@diyaayay already contributed before to code

davepagurek commented 2 weeks ago

@all-contributors please add @dgrantham01 for code

allcontributors[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


I've put up a pull request to add @dgrantham01! :tada: