processing / p5.js

p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. —
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[p5.js 2.0 RFC Proposal]: Renderer system refactor #7016

Open limzykenneth opened 1 month ago

limzykenneth commented 1 month ago

Increasing access

A more flexible renderer system enables p5.js to be used in a larger variety of rendering situation that a user may need, eg. to be print medium, controlling plotter/robot arm, SVG, and more. This enables context in which the default provided renderers of p5.js may not meet some user's specific needs (such as a renderer for Braille display perhaps?)

Which types of changes would be made?

Most appropriate sub-area of p5.js?

What's the problem?

p5.js 1.0 is bundled with two renderers: 2D and WebGL. They corresponds to the HTML Canvas 2d and webgl context respectively. However, there had been requests over the years to add additional renderers such as an SVG renderer or a renderer with scene graph capabilities. As the web evolve, we are also seeing new a possible standard renderer being developed, ie. WebGPU.

As currently implemented, adding a new renderer to p5.js is not an easy task which involves many parts that expects to behave differently depending on whether the current sketch is in 2D or WebGL mode.

createCanvas(400, 400, WEBGL);

The constant value to determine whether a canvas is in 2D or WEBGL mode is also not easily extendable by addon libraries.

What's the solution?

With p5.js 2.0, the renderer system is redesigned and tweaked with a few key points.

  1. p5.Renderer class which both p5.Renderer2D and p5.RendererGL classes inherit from will now act more like an abstract class that it is meant to be.
    • The p5.Renderer class will determine a set of basic properties and methods any renderer class inheriting from it should implement, while extra functionalities can still be implemented on top. (eg. all renderers should implement the ellipse() method but the WebGL renderer will also implement a sphere() method that 2D renderers don't need).
    • The p5.Renderer class should never be instantiated directly.
  2. The core will not have implicit knowledge of what renderers are available. Previously the two modes supported (P2D and WEBGL) are harded coded into functions like createCanvas() making creating a new rendering mode difficult without also modifying core functionalities.
    • A list of renderers should be kept under the p5.renderers object with value being the class object of the renderer (that inherits from p5.Renderer class).
      p5.renderers = {

For an addon library to create a new renderer to work with p5, it will need to first create a class that inherits and implements the p5.Renderer abstract class, then register the renderer under the p5.renderers object.

  class MyRenderer extends p5.Renderer {
    ellipse(x, y, w, h) {
      // ...

    // ...

  p5.registerAddon((p5, fn, lifecycles) => {
    p5.renderers.myRenderer = MyRenderer;

When a sketch author wants to use the addon provided renderer above, they can use the following code when creating a canvas.

function setup(){
  createCanvas(400, 400, 'myRenderer');

For usage that are more similar to p5.js' own renderers, constants registration can be exposed to addon library authors as well. In this case, it is recommended to make the constant value a Symbol matching behavior in the core library itself.

Core question

Part of the motivation for this proposal is to enable a leaner build of the library for users who only use the 2D renderer but not the WebGL renderer and vice versa. If someone uses only the 2D canvas, there is no need for most if not all of the WebGL components to be included.

This creates a question, should p5.js still be bundled with both renderers for distribution? What about new renderers in the future? There are a few options for this:

The third options is probably too extreme and probably should not be considered. Either of the first two options are open for discussions.

Pros (updated based on community comments)

Cons (updated based on community comments)

Proposal status

Under review

davepagurek commented 1 month ago

I think this is going to be one of the more important things to get out of 2.0! A couple things that probably need clarifying though:

limzykenneth commented 1 month ago


How would we want a renderer to provide functionality specific to it? e.g. how WebGL has orbitControl()

The p5.Renderer abstract class will define the basic drawing functions that all renderers should (or are highly recommended to) implement, so things like line(), ellipse(), rect(), beginShape(), endShape(), vertex(), etc, that forms some of the most commonly used functions in p5.js. These should have the same function signatures where possible to maximize general compatibility amongst renderers. For renderer specific functions likeorbitControl()` they can directly be implemented as the class's own method.

How do you think we should structure p5.Shader?

This can possibly be its own importable module separate from the more complete WebGL renderer (which will include p5.Shader as well). The WebGL instancing code will probably need to be split out and shared by both the WebGL renderer and p5.Shader to avoid duplication.

Some other proposals such as batching of rendering

For batch rendering I still need to better understand the trade off for implementing it to know for sure. Ideally I would like implementing a renderer by following p5.Renderer abstract class to be comprehensive and easy to do. More complex things may need to be implemented either by individual renderer itself or by a shared implementation.

For vertex functions, a visitor pattern is my current preference, although my understanding of the pattern mainly comes from Rust's Serde crate so I'm not 100% sure that is the idea being proposed. Perhaps this may need to be worked out in practice or in a proof of concept.

davepagurek commented 1 month ago

Currently, renderer methods aren't directly made public, with p5.prototype functions being the ones that define the user-facing API and then pass the implementation to the renderer. Renderers could potentially do the same, by implementing their internal methods, and then extending p5.prototype like an addon would in order to add functionality? (Or maybe via a slightly different API like how we register a renderer, so that we can also have some internal logic to dispatch to the current renderer if multiple renderers have naming collisions in their extensions.) Or alternatively, we can have some logic where we automatically make all public renderer methods available?

limzykenneth commented 1 month ago

Most of what I'm thinking of in terms of defining a renderer is done in the proof of concept dev-2.0 branch. The renderer will be similar to this where it imports the abstract Renderer class and extend it, then simply export it.

To register the renderer, we need to add a function to the addon library API to add the custom renderer class to this list and it will be instantiated here. Additional magic will need to be used to attach all public methods of the custom renderer to p5.prototype and I would like this part to be handled by the core library instead of by the renderer themselves, so towards your latter idea.

davepagurek commented 1 month ago

Additional magic will need to be used to attach all public methods of the custom renderer to p5.prototype and I would like this part to be handled by the core library instead of by the renderer themselves

Sounds good! We could always enforce the convention that underscore-prefixed things are private, or maybe just forward all enumerable keys if we can use something like private methods for other stuff. (Can build systems transpile it to regular non enumerable properties if we want compatibility?)

limzykenneth commented 1 month ago

For truly private things I would prefer to use native private methods as you linked. It is pretty well supported so we may not even need to transpile it to something else.

davepagurek commented 1 month ago

Btw, today I came across this project: (demo:

It got me thinking, if one wanted to make something like this as a renderer, would that mean having to also reimplement the transformation push/pop stack? Currently, that's also part of what each renderer has to provide, since 2D mode piggybacks on the native canvas's stack for some state. It's probably not necessary for v1, but just another thing to think about -- maybe there's a nice abstracting for that too in there somewhere.

limzykenneth commented 1 month ago

I think it would be good to be able to generalize an implementation for push/pop as well but it may bring a lot of complexity into core that the 2D renderer will likely still want to overwrite with native canvas stack in its own implementation still.

mvicky2592 commented 1 week ago

@limzykenneth I think users will be happy with this new approach!

Your option 2 would be the best imo, having WebGL rendering as an addon. Would help with minimizing the default bundle size.

But how would that work exactly? If functions like rect (with a canvas 2d implementation) are the default would the WebGL addon override them?

davepagurek commented 1 week ago

I think it's a little more like the strategy design pattern: the p5 instance has a renderer object (the "strategy") and in all of the core methods like rect(), it passes off the implementation to the same method on its renderer. So something like:

rect(...args) {

So the renderer is an object that contains all the implementations. It'll be a little more advanced than that because we'll need to have a hook when you set up a renderer for it to register new methods specific to that renderer (e.g. 2d mode doesn't have sphere()) but this is how I'm imagining core methods will work.

2d mode isn't structurally special, it'd just be a strategy we bundle by default. This also means that in theory you could make webgl-only builds if you wanted, or a build with no renderers registered yet, for as modular as possible of a build.