processing / p5.js

p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. —
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p5.Vector reflect() unexpectedly modifies surface normal argument #7088

Closed nbogie closed 1 day ago

nbogie commented 2 weeks ago

Most appropriate sub-area of p5.js?

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Steps to reproduce this


function setup() {

function instanceDemo() {
    const surfaceNormal = createVector(1, 0);
    const incidentVector = createVector(1, 1);


    //We'd hope surfaceNormal remains [1, 0, 0], but it'll be [2, 0, 0];

function staticDemo() {
    const surfaceNormal = createVector(1, 0);
    const incidentVector = createVector(1, 1);

    p5.Vector.reflect(incidentVector, surfaceNormal);

    //We'd hope surfaceNormal remains [1, 0, 0], but it'll be [2, 0, 0];

Expected behaviour:

I'd expect the surface normal argument to be unchanged by the calculation, in both instance and static cases.

Actual behaviour:

The surface normal argument is mutated during the calculation, in both instance and static cases.


Here's a (simplification of a) real usage where the bug caught me out:

welcome[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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nbogie commented 2 weeks ago

I'd like to contribute a fix and regression tests, if it turns out that that's wanted!

Looks like the code has been this way since addition of the functions in v1.0.0

limzykenneth commented 1 week ago

It seems like on this line the surface normal is multiplied by two using the instance method which modifies the vector where it probably should use a static method that does not modify the original instead.

@nbogie You can go ahead with a fix. Thanks!