processing / processing-android

Processing mode and core library to create Android apps with Processing
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[Request] Documentation needs improvement #719

Open dfkettle opened 1 year ago

dfkettle commented 1 year ago

On the reference page, it says "Almost all of the Processing API can be used in the Android mode." Would it be possible to add a list of things that aren't supported in Android mode? I've discovered a few, like selectInput(), selectOutput() and selectFolder(), but I suspect there are others. Someone in the forum let me know about the library SelectFile, which is meant to replace these three functions, but it would be helpful to mention if there is a replacement or work-around for any missing functionality in Processing for Android.

Also, on the main Processing web site, on the Libraries page (, it would be helpful if it stated whether a library worked in Android mode. In most cases it doesn't say, but in some cases, it even claims to work in Android mode, but doesn't (for example, the ControlP5 library, which seems to be no longer supported by anyone).

I understand that it's volunteers who maintain Processing for Android, but it might save them some time if the documentation could be improved, so they wouldn't have to spend time answering questions from newbie users like myself, or respond to issues posted on Github that could be addressed through better documentation.