I fixed three minor issues that were affecting, IMO, the processing template library:
I've updated .gitignore to also ignore folders bin and tmp; while it is likely each developer has her own .gitignore file, I believe it is better if the template takes care of hiding those folders created during the build process, like you already do with 'distribution'.
when importing the project in Eclipse, the IDE will flag an error on the whole project. That is caused by a reference to the 'processing-core' codebase that exists in the classpath file. I deleted this reference as not required and confusing when doing the first import: I initially thought Eclipse wasn't seeing the core.jar and similar libs I had added to the project.
I fixed issue #4 reported on GitHub. You were using the tag @example while describing its usage. This triggered the doclet to search for a file whose name was the explanation text itself (have a look at the error message reported in the ticket).
All in all, very little stuff.
Thank you for your attention,
Hi, I fixed three minor issues that were affecting, IMO, the processing template library:
All in all, very little stuff. Thank you for your attention,
Best, nico