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Feat: #445/#446 generate .pdez files for each code example #478

Open umangutkarsh opened 9 months ago

umangutkarsh commented 9 months ago

Fixes #445 Fixes #446

To create the updatePdezFiles.js script for updating .pdez files based on the provided information, and the generatePdezContent() function, the followiing code can be used. This script iterates through the examples, generates .pdez content using the generatePdezContent() function, and writes the content to the corresponding .pdez files.

The script assumes that you have a directory structure with .pde files and that the generatePdezContent function generates the .pdez content based on the provided example data. You can modify the generatePdezContent function to customize the content as needed. Make sure to adjust the paths and update the generatePdezContent function to match your specific requirements for generating .pdez files.