Closed gpstash closed 6 years ago
I compiled mod_puttymouth, installed, enabled in the config and started ejabberd. Of course, it complained that it lacked etbloom.
In order to compile etbloom, I copied bitarray git repo (once compiled) to etbloom/deps. Then copied all the etbloom to /usr/local/lib, where ejabberd has installed all the other libraries (base64url-0.0.1, cache_tab-1.0.13, eimp-1.0.4, ...).
And I also had to copy to that directory the bitarray dir. So, all the erlang libraries must be in that dir, to allow ejabberd load them.
@badlop In bitarray/rebar.conf, I've changed proper version to 1.2 and it works
The change you mention was already applied in the bitarray git repo a year ago:
So, nothing needs to be changed in our ejabberd-contrib repo, and this ticket can be closed, right?
@badlop I think it is bitarray config issue not mod_pottymouth.
I want to install
module but got this error2018-06-12 08:32:12.503 [error] <0.346.0>@bitarray:new CRASH REPORT Process <0.346.0> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: call to undefined function bitarray:new(16777216, false) in gen_server:init_it/6 line 352
i already follow to install bitarray module from readme.
anyone know what missing?