processone / ejabberd

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Commands API version 1 #4118

Closed badlop closed 6 months ago

badlop commented 7 months ago

This PR includes many improvements in API versioning, mod_http_api, ejabberdctl, and some commands.

Support for API Versioning

Until now, when a new ejabberd release changed some API command (an argument renamed, a result in a different format...), then you had to update your API client to the new API at the same time that you updated ejabberd.

Now the ejabberd API commands can have different versions, by default the most recent one is used, and the API client can specify the API version it supports.

In fact, this feature was implemented seven years ago, included in ejabberd 16.04, documented in ejabberd Docs: API Versioning... but it was never actually used!

This ejabberd release includes many fixes to get API versioning up to date, and it starts being used by several commands.

Let's say that ejabberd 23.10 implemented API version 0, and this ejabberd xx.yy adds API version 1. You may want to update your API client to use the new API version 1... or you can continue using API version 0 and delay API update a few weeks or months.

To continue using API version 0:

Check the details in ejabberd Docs: API Versioning.

ejabberd Commands API Version 1

When you want to update your API client to support ejabberd API version 1, those are the changes to take into account:

All those changes are described in the next sections.

Commands with list arguments

Several commands now use list argument instead of a string with separators (different commands used different separators: ; : \\n ,).

The commands improved in API version 1:

For example, srg_create in API version 0 took as arguments:

{"group": "group3",
 "host": "",
 "label": "Group3",
 "description": "Third group",
 "display": "group1\\ngroup2"}

now in API version 1 the command expects as arguments:

{"group": "group3",
 "host": "",
 "label": "Group3",
 "description": "Third group",
 "display": ["group1", "group2"]}

mod_http_api not named results

There was an incoherence in mod_http_api results when they were integer/string and when they were list/tuple/rescode...: the result contained the name, for example:

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{}' "http://localhost:5280/api/get_loglevel/v0"

Staring in API version 1, when result is an integer or a string, it will not contain the result name. This is now coherent with the other result formats (list, tuple, ...) which don't contain the result name either.

Some examples with API version 0 and API version 1:

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{}' "http://localhost:5280/api/get_loglevel/v0"

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{}' "http://localhost:5280/api/get_loglevel"

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"name": "registeredusers"}' "http://localhost:5280/api/stats/v0"

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"name": "registeredusers"}' "http://localhost:5280/api/stats"

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"host": "localhost"}' "http://localhost:5280/api/registered_users/v0"

$ curl -k -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"host": "localhost"}' "http://localhost:5280/api/registered_users"

ejabberdctl with list arguments

ejabberdctl now supports list and tuple arguments, like mod_http_api and ejabberd_xmlrpc. This allows ejabberdctl to execute all the existing commands, even some that were impossible until now like create_room_with_opts and set_vcard2_multi.

List elements are separated with , and tuple elements are separated with :.

Relevant commands:

Some example uses:

ejabberdctl add_rosteritem user1 localhost testuser7 localhost NickUser77l gr1,gr2,gr3 both
ejabberdctl create_room_with_opts room1 conference.localhost localhost public:false,persistent:true
ejabberdctl subscribe_room_many user1@localhost:User1,admin@localhost:Admin room1@conference.localhost urn:xmpp:mucsub:nodes:messages,u

ejabberdctl list results

Until now, ejabberdctl returned list elements separated with ;. Now in API version 1 list elements are separated with ,.

For example, in ejabberd 23.10:

$ ejabberdctl get_roster admin localhost
jan@localhost jan   none    subscribe       group1;group2
tom@localhost tom   none    subscribe       group3

Since this ejabberd release, using API version 1:

$ ejabberdctl get_roster admin localhost
jan@localhost jan   none    subscribe       group1,group2
tom@localhost tom   none    subscribe       group3

it is still possible to get the results in the old syntax, using API version 0:

$ ejabberdctl --version 0 get_roster admin localhost
jan@localhost jan   none    subscribe       group1;group2
tom@localhost tom   none    subscribe       group3
coveralls commented 7 months ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 32.586% (-0.02%) from 32.602% when pulling fc13fdceca46043d975c480ab5f58efaaa1918b8 on badlop:api-version-1 into 97568195d6e6cfad6c8a22917c3dd32132d554cb on processone:master.

Neustradamus commented 7 months ago

@badlop: Why not v1 to old and v2 to new?

badlop commented 6 months ago

@badlop: Why not v1 to old and v2 to new?

When commands are initially defined, they don't have any version assigned yet: they are version = 0. This is true for all the existing commands, and for any brand new commands defined in the future: they are new, they are not versioned, and by default the have version = 0.

When a command gets some change that would break its API, then that command should get a new definition. And the version number assigned to that new definition will be = API version included in that ejabberd release.

In this sense, when a new ejabberd release includes breaking changes in the API, it will include an API version with increased number.