processone / ejabberd

Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
6k stars 1.5k forks source link

needthis #4127

Closed Aslogbenaslambe closed 6 months ago

Aslogbenaslambe commented 6 months ago

We are open to contributions for ejabberd, as GitHub pull requests (PR). Here are a few points to consider before submitting your PR. (You can remove the whole text after reading.)

  1. Does this PR address an issue? Please reference it in the PR description.

  2. Have you properly described the proposed change?

  3. Please make sure the change is atomic and does only touch the needed modules. If you have other changes/fixes to provide, please submit them as separate PRs.

  4. If your change or new feature involves storage backends, did you make sure your change works with all backends?

  5. Do you provide tests? How can we check the behavior of the code?

  6. Did you consider documentation changes in the processone/ repository?

licaon-kter commented 6 months ago

Pls don't open random PRs