processone / ejabberd

Robust, Ubiquitous and Massively Scalable Messaging Platform (XMPP, MQTT, SIP Server)
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Messages not getting send while receiving client is offline #4232

Closed egnun closed 19 hours ago

egnun commented 3 weeks ago


Errors from error.log/crash.log

No errors

Bug description

  1. Since the update to the latest version there seems to be a bug, that when I am trying to send a message to a contact, who is offline, the messages doesn't get send at all. I have to wait for the contact to be online again, so I can manually resend the message. Although this only really seems to be a problem with contacts, that are on my server.

This bug also appears in MUCs, where all the contacts now have to be online at the same time, to receive the message. This also applies to contacts on other servers.

  1. I have also noticed, that when one of my two clients is offline, that when I receive a message and then go online with the other client, the missing messages do not get synchronized.

It would be really good, if you could help. Because it has gotten to a point now, where a contact, who went to the German city of Celle was missing out on these fine remarks I have made in a reply:

Are you going there for a party? Celle-bration time, come on! And Or are you perhaps going to a concert? Is Célle-n Dion playing?

So, your help would be appreciated. ;-)

licaon-kter commented 3 weeks ago

Which clients are used? What error do they show?

Do clean up and put your config on

Neustradamus commented 2 weeks ago

@egnun: Have you seen the @licaon-kter comment?

Can you add more details?

Thanks in advance.

egnun commented 3 days ago

Sorry, I was busy.

@licaon-kter here, is my config:

The clients don't really matter, as the bugs appear on all the different platforms. (Android, iOS, Windows, GNU+Linux) As far as I can tell they don't show any errors. They just don't receive/send the messages.

licaon-kter commented 3 days ago

What do they show for a message that is not sent? They show it AS SENT?

Try clarify who sees what, pics help.

Logs from clients?

egnun commented 19 hours ago

I have just updated to 24.06 and it seems, that what ever caused the the problem, seems to be fixed.

So, thank you for the help, @licaon-kter and thank you, ejabberd folks, for you sedulous activity.

But next time please don't make me open an issue first, before you push the update. 😉️

I am closing this issue now.

licaon-kter commented 17 hours ago

Nobody understood your issue in the first place, not sure anyone did anything here :)