Now I am getting carbon message in func xmppMessageCarbons(_ xmppMessageCarbons: XMPPMessageCarbons, didReceive message: XMPPMessage, outgoing isOutgoing: Bool) but the issue is I am not able to save that carbon message in XMPPMessageArchivingCoreDataStorage.
If anyone knows how to save carbon messages in XMPPMessageArchivingCoreDataStorage please help me.
I implemented carbon messaging as my project supports multi logins from different devices. I used this code to implement XEP-0280.
Now I am getting carbon message in
func xmppMessageCarbons(_ xmppMessageCarbons: XMPPMessageCarbons, didReceive message: XMPPMessage, outgoing isOutgoing: Bool)
but the issue is I am not able to save that carbon message inXMPPMessageArchivingCoreDataStorage
. If anyone knows how to save carbon messages in XMPPMessageArchivingCoreDataStorage please help me.