processone / xmpp-messenger-ios

iOS XMPP Messenger Framework
MIT License
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Errors when build fresh cloned project with Xcode 10.1 #88

Open linovate opened 4 years ago

linovate commented 4 years ago

Fresh clone project gives this error:

'system' is unavailable: not available on iOS ../xmpp-messenger-ios/Example/Pods/FMDB/src/fmdb.m:127:13: 'system' is unavailable: not available on iOS

After run 'pod repo update; pod install', got 32 additional errors, e.g. :

../xmpp-messenger-ios/Example/Pods/XMPPFramework/module/module.modulemap:11:8: Redefinition of module 'dnssd'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'ObjectiveC'

/Applications/ Could not build module 'os_object'

Can you fix this issues and make it usable from Xcode 10.1 (swift 4.0 and Swift 4.2) please?

I'd like to implement chat feature following your example soon.


thesunita commented 4 years ago

I am also facing this same issue. Any update on this? @linovate : have you resolved the issue?

thesunita commented 4 years ago

I am also facing this same issue. Any update on this? @linovate : have you resolved the issue?