Gutenberg is the name of the new content editor / page builder / whatever you want to call it for WordPress, and aims to act as a replacement for TinyMCE. This is a huge shift in WordPress-land.
My understanding is that Gutenberg is being developed in a modular way such that it can be utilized in other CMSs as well. For example, in Drupal:
(update 2021: well, it's not true :( )
If ProcessWire were to offer advanced content editors as an option, I'd say utilizing Gutenberg as the basis would be a smart choice given the resources behind it. Gutenberg is undergoing heavy development, so perhaps waiting another 6 months to a year would be a good idea.
Gutenberg is the name of the new content editor / page builder / whatever you want to call it for WordPress, and aims to act as a replacement for TinyMCE. This is a huge shift in WordPress-land.
My understanding is that Gutenberg is being developed in a modular way such that it can be utilized in other CMSs as well. For example, in Drupal: (update 2021: well, it's not true :( )
If ProcessWire were to offer advanced content editors as an option, I'd say utilizing Gutenberg as the basis would be a smart choice given the resources behind it. Gutenberg is undergoing heavy development, so perhaps waiting another 6 months to a year would be a good idea.
Perhaps this could be a Profield.
Some discussions on PW Forums: