processwire / processwire-requests

ProcessWire feature requests.
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please add methods to force return type of file/image fields #453

Closed BernhardBaumrock closed 2 years ago

BernhardBaumrock commented 2 years ago

Short description of the enhancement

Please add the following two methods to the Page class:

$page->getImage('myimagesfield'); // return PageImage (or null)
$page->getImages('myimagesfield'); // return PageImages (array)

Edit: Obviously we'd also need the same for PageFiles and PageFile - or maybe a method that has a proper wording for both scenarios?


getArray() is already taken...

Current vs. suggested behavior

Currently it is really not easy to make sure that the returned value in your code is either a single PageImage or a PageArray. This has always caused confusion with newcomers, but even some advanced members like Horst and Me where using a solution that to our surprise was not as bullet-proof as we thought!! See here:

Why would the enhancement be useful to users?

When working with image fields in code it is sometimes important to make sure that you are either working with a singular or a multi field. Some possible solutions would be:

$images = $page->getUnformatted('myimagesfield')->find('created!=10');
if($images->count()) echo $images->first()->url;

// or
$image = $page->getFormatted('myimagesfield');
if($image instanceof PageImages AND $image->count()) echo $image->first()->url;
elseif($image) echo $image->url; // singular pageimage

Are these two really the best options we have? Am I missing something?

Please also see my explanation why that can really be a problem in the forum:


BernhardBaumrock commented 2 years ago

Added in the latest DEV :) Thx @ryancramerdesign !