procount / pinn-os

os-images for PINN
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need help #6

Open daddacorn2019 opened 4 years ago

daddacorn2019 commented 4 years ago

hi i have a rpi4 ive done all the steps to get this up and going and when i put the sd card in and boot nothing happens but the lights flashing a few times, its not my sd card cause i now have raspian on it. can anyone help point me into some right direction to get it going?

procount commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I've only just seen this as I didn't get an email notification (better to post in /procount/pinn).

Is this still an issue? The usual problem is plugging your HDMI cable into the wrong socket. Make sure you use HDMI-0 next to the USB-C power supply socket.

daddacorn2019 commented 4 years ago

ya its still an issue and I have it plugged in right and everything else right. I don't know whats wrong

procount commented 4 years ago

I suggest that you add ssh vncshare forctrigger to recovery.cmdline and connect it to your LAN with ethernet cable. You'll have to consult your router or use an App like Fing to discover it's IP address, but if you are currently using Raspbian and connected to your network with DHCP, there's a good chance your router will assign the same IP address to PINN.

Once booted, you should be able to connect to PINN with ssh (use Putty if on Windows) or you can use VNC. In both cases, logon with username=root/password=raspberry. If that works, you know PINN has booted and you coul ddo some diagnosis to see why your display is not working.